This study examined the separate and combined effects ofexercise and cognitive training on children’s executivefunction (EF) and associated neural substrates. Sixty-twochildren were recruited and randomly assigned to an Exergame(exercise + cognitive activity), Exercise (physical activity),Sedentary (cognitive activity), or Control (no-play) Condition.The training consisted of 20 min sessions 2x/week and wascompleted by 49 children 4- to 5-years-old. Resting-stateprefrontal cortex (PFC) connectivity utilizing functional near-infrared spectroscopy, behavioral assessments of EF, andteacher ratings of EF were assessed pre- and posttest.Exergame training significantly improved performance ontransfer EF assessments compared to the other conditions andincreased PFC connectivity. The changes in PFC connectivitywere positively associated with EF improvement. Thesefindings suggest that the combination of cognitive and exercisetraining modulates the effects on EF and elucidates the neuralmechanisms underlying the changes in EF induced fromexergame play.