This study investigated the effect of empathy in text comprehension. After 89 university students read a document
which described how to write an educational practical report, they took a comprehension test and responded on the following
scales: parallel empathy, reactive empathy, subjective comprehension, and attitude. In the framework of dual-process theory,
parallel empathy depends on system 1 while reactive empathy is controlled by system 2. As a result, the mean comprehension
test score in the condition in which students read the document describing only procedure and some cautions was higher, but
the mean reactive empathy score was lower than that in the condition in which students read the document including empathic
episodes of the author with illustrations, in addition to the procedure and cautions. An analysis by structural equation modeling
with previous data suggested that adding empathic episode disturbed text comprehension, but enhancing empathy promoted
subjective comprehension and attitude change.