With the increasing adoption of Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality (AR/VR - XR) systems, security, privacy, and quality concerns attract attention from both academia and industry.We identify four key problems in XR applications and make contributions respectively.
For XR Quality of experience: AR applications suffer from spatial inconsistency where virtual objects "drift or "jump" in space. We develop an automated method to evaluate the spatial inconsistency of AR applications. Web-based XR suffers from long latency in downloading virtual content to be displayed on a web browser. We develop a technique to divide up and prioritize virtual objects to be downloaded in a manor to minimize the time to first correct image.
For XR Security: Head mounted displays track the user's head pose at all times in order to render content correctly. We show that these head poses can be used to help infer user hand-typed words in order to steal private information. Multi-use AR applications construct a "shared-state" using image sequences and GPS data. We show that these shared-states can be poisoned allowing for the reading and writing of information to and from arbitrary locations by a malicious user.