Abstract. Fire frequencies are changing in Neotropical savannas and
forests as a result of forest fragmentation and increasing drought. Such
changes in fire regime and climate are hypothesized to destabilize tropical
carbon storage, but there has been little consideration of the widespread
variability in tree fire tolerance strategies. To test how aboveground
carbon stocks change with fire frequency and composition of plants with
different fire tolerance strategies, we update the Ecosystem Demography
model 2 (ED2) with (i) a fire survivorship module based on tree bark
thickness (a key fire-tolerance trait across woody plants in savannas and
forests), and (ii) plant functional types representative of trees in the
region. With these updates, the model is better able to predict how fire
frequency affects population demography and aboveground woody carbon.
Simulations illustrate that the high survival rate of thick-barked, large
trees reduces carbon losses with increasing fire frequency, with high
investment in bark being particularly important in reducing losses in the
wettest sites. Additionally, in landscapes that frequently burn, bark
investment can broaden the range of climate and fire conditions under which
savannas occur by reducing the range of conditions leading to either
complete tree loss or complete grass loss. These results highlight that
tropical vegetation dynamics depend not only on rainfall and changing fire
frequencies but also on tree fire survival strategy. Further, our results
indicate that fire survival strategy is fundamentally important in
regulating tree size demography in ecosystems exposed to fire, which
increases the preservation of aboveground carbon stocks and the coexistence
of different plant functional groups.