During development, neural cells must migrate from progenitor pools to their final position.During this migration, they interact with each other and the extracellular matrix (ECM). Thefamily of Cas-adaptor proteins is part of the adhesion signaling pathway that is activated whenintegrin receptors bind to substrates in the ECM. Three Cas paralogs (p130Cas, CasL, and SIN)are expressed in the cortex and cerebellum during development. Previous work showed that Casproteins are required to form the retinal ganglion cell layer, coordinate somatosensory axonfasciculation in the spinal cord, and organize the layers of the neocortex. Preliminary datasuggest that Cas genes are also expressed in the developing cerebellum, raising the possibility ofa functional requirement for these genes during cerebellar migration. During cerebellardevelopment, Purkinje cells and granule cells use Bergmann glial processes as a guide to migrateto the proper layer, a process called lamination. Using a triple conditional knockout (TcKO)model, we will conditionally delete Cas from the cerebellum which will help us determine thefunction of Cas-adaptor proteins during cerebellar migration and lamination. Using thesemethods, we have found that Cas genes are broadly required for the formation of the cerebellarlobules. However, further studies will be required to determine if Cas genes affect cerebellarstructure formation by regulating primary cerebellar fissure formation, Purkinje cell migration,and/or glial scaffold formation.