- Berman, Marc G;
- Yourganov, Grigori;
- Askren, Mary K;
- Ayduk, Ozlem;
- Casey, BJ;
- Gotlib, Ian H;
- Kross, Ethan;
- McIntosh, Anthony R;
- Strother, Stephen;
- Wilson, Nicole L;
- Zayas, Vivian;
- Mischel, Walter;
- Shoda, Yuichi;
- Jonides, John
The ability to delay gratification in childhood has been linked to positive outcomes in adolescence and adulthood. Here we examine a subsample of participants from a seminal longitudinal study of self-control throughout a subject's life span. Self-control, first studied in children at age 4 years, is now re-examined 40 years later, on a task that required control over the contents of working memory. We examine whether patterns of brain activation on this task can reliably distinguish participants with consistently low and high self-control abilities (low versus high delayers). We find that low delayers recruit significantly higher-dimensional neural networks when performing the task compared with high delayers. High delayers are also more homogeneous as a group in their neural patterns compared with low delayers. From these brain patterns, we can predict with 71% accuracy, whether a participant is a high or low delayer. The present results suggest that dimensionality of neural networks is a biological predictor of self-control abilities.