Asian American Research Journal

Parent: Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies (AAADS)

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
8hv4h35pA Study on the ABG, a Racialized, Gendered Social Label2,8402,69614494.9%
9f13w02tConversations on Mental Wellness in Vietnamese American Community406213855.2%
11j5f1dvThe Impacts and Significance of Yum Cha for the Cantonese Diaspora2213418715.4%
2g78c205The Model Minority Myth on Asian Americans and its Impact on Mental Health and the Clinical Setting1852116411.4%
7n37n98gInfantilization of the Asian American Elderly and the Nature of the Media149131368.7%
2mk3z9qkSettler Colonialism by Settlers of Color: Understanding Han Taiwanese Settler Colonialism in Taiwan through Japanese American Settler Colonialism in Hawai’i1422112114.8%
5js0w7d3Miss Saigon: The Asian Experience in the Perspective of the White Man1362411217.6%
4836x48vResistance from Overseas: U.S. Diasporic and Transnational Activism in Response to the 2021 Myanmar Military Coup133736054.9%
7hj42823Elder Wisdom, 1960s Asian American Activism, and the Struggle for Third World Education1242010416.1%
13t863qnHow Do You Decide Your Major(s)?: A Study of Asian American Female College Students’ Major Choice(s)121427934.7%
52h305j0Japanese American Women's Self-Definition Facing Identity Crisis Through Intersectional Lenses1141310111.4%
56b8d4hvBreaking the Generational Silence: Collective Healing from Historical Trauma112357731.3%
74m680s7Determinants of Use For Traditional Medicinal Practices Within the Vietnamese American Community105555052.4%
0zb7j66cBridging Vietnamese Subjectivities in the United States: On Complex Communication through Time and Space103376635.9%
4cf9n5qkTracing War Bride Legislation and the Racial Construction of Asian Immigrants96257126.0%
2sf1f7s3How the COVID-19 Pandemic Reshaped Community Health Needs in San Francisco’s Chinatown: Examining The Historical, Social and Global Upstream Influencers88226625.0%
0v47h2r7Balancing Tongues: ESL Programs in Combating Asian American Stereotypes82136915.9%
1kz0287nCOVID-19 is a “Yellow Peril” Redux: Immigration and Health Policy and the Construction of the Chinese as Disease81176421.0%
5wg71391A Recipe for Disaster? Challenging Los Angeles’ Motion to Ban Gas Stoves on Equal Protection Grounds81265532.1%
42d708f3The Need for Asian American Data Disaggregation79186122.8%
3hm0m332Language and Ethnic Belonging: Identity by Way of Language78166220.5%
9q13x87hStuck in the Middle: Crimmigration and the Asian American Community78126615.4%
6bz5r7svInvoluntary Immigrant: The Story of a Vietnamese Refugee76205626.3%
43n6t1n9Examining the Limits of Filipinx Enrollment in Selective Postsecondary Public Institutions Within the U.S.: A study on the University of California, Berkeley74146018.9%
2kh5j95nQuality of Elderly Vietnamese Immigrant Healthcare In the Bay Area6776010.4%
3866g4g8The Risk Factors of Poor Mental Health Outcomes in Second-Generation Asian Americans67194828.4%
1px5710bAbout the Cover66115516.7%
82p828gdInsiders, Outsiders, and In-Between: Asian Nonimmigrant Experience in the American Context of Intersectional Racism6495514.1%
91b2r1dzTable of Contents64135120.3%
2rw230f4Chief Editors' Note6295314.5%
41w9c9dcChief Editors' Note62105216.1%
4z55d9mvBilingual Education for Asian Americans62115117.7%
0ck99418The Auntie Sewing Squad and Asian American Women’s Craftivism58243441.4%
55v5z26qNarrating the ‘Hippie’: Bengali Perceptions of the Trail58124620.7%
7g73b5z8Uprooted but Unbroken: Ethnic Studies Programs in California Prisons58174129.3%
7gk958vqMultiethnic Asian American Identities in Asian American Spaces57124521.1%
12h7k5qnThe Punjabi Pioneers55154027.3%
1bh969r9Chief Editors' Note52104219.2%
4wr2f0vmMaking Korean-Canadian Representation Convenient: Remediating Kim’s Convenience from Stage to Screen52153728.8%
4235870wVietnamese America: On ‘Good Refugees’, Fake News, and Historical Amnesia51104119.6%
71k7v4qzThe Path to Asian American Representation51104119.6%
6t5842prGenerational Differences Between Asian American Women and their Mothers and its Effects on Sexual and Reproductive Health Communication49143528.6%
0tz9h5tfTable of Contents484448.3%
336713zbOde to 옹기: An examination of culinary tradition, memory, and belonging in the Korean diaspora4893918.8%
0596z1s8Cultural Affiliation and Mental Health Disruptions of Second Generation Asian Americans in College4573815.6%
9075g7f8Asian American Perceptions of Affirmative Action40162440.0%
0g56m710Conversations of Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression Among Iu-Mien High School Students and their Parents38122631.6%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.