Dairy (cows and goats)

Parent: ANR Peer Reviewed Publications

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
6004z9hhManure Treatment Technologies: Anaerobic Digesters262247.7%
2294p49mRice Straw for Use in Dairy Heifer Rations211204.8%
97b9k363Total Mixed Ration (TMR) Sampling Protocol211204.8%
12x833brDairy Nutritionists' Roles in Nutrient Use: Recommendations for Feed Nutrients Records Analyses191185.3%
93x282btPredicting and Controlling Stable Flies on California Dairies150150.0%
1m77w6pgUse of Feed Inventory Records to Reduce Nutrient Loading at Dairy Operations: Producer Options1331023.1%
6rr165dhSample Costs for a 500-Head Dairy Goat Operation: Goat Milk for Cheese Production in California's North Coast123925.0%
73p515vjHow to Improve Your Preliminary Dairy Facility Assessment Ratio111109.1%
8b15x5rtWater Quality Treatment for Livestock Feeding and Exercise Areas on California Coastal Dairy Farms and Ranches9090.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.