Department of Anthropology

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
6jx218bcLearning to consume: What is heritage and when is it traditional?2481717769.0%
88z675jqThe Principle of Seniority in the Social Structure of the Yoruba2465219421.1%
8m2406fjSocial Status, Wealth and Individual Differences among the Yoruba2252091692.9%
60h425cxThe Anatomy of Envy: A Study in Symbolic Behavior2068612041.7%
0fm776vfThe Global Traffic in Human Organs1931019252.3%
2xq430hcThe Primacy of the Ethical: Propositions for a Militant Anthropology1918410744.0%
52d8w10gDecorative Symbolism of the Arapaho16361573.7%
4r37g7rkHolism and associationism in neuropsychology: An anatomical synthesis1584111725.9%
0fc7p2wmOn the Study of National Character1561411590.4%
5sn1795gCultural Citizenship as Subject-Making156708644.9%
0zq6h5vrIntroduction Worlding Cities, or the Art of Being Global1491212881.2%
3w37g7n3Proyecto Arqueológico Taraco: Excavaciones de 1996 en Chiripa, Bolivia1471272086.4%
1gg97481The production of possession: Spirits and the multinational corporation in Malaysia1463311322.6%
0769d7zzCities and citizenship1413510624.8%
6977c8xdInsurgent citizenship in an era of global urban peripheries1402911120.7%
19f6030gThe spirit of Brasília: modernity as experiment and risk1391033674.1%
9s51z8wgAmerican Culture History1271161191.3%
0zj0w51kCulture Change among the Nilgiri Tribes124923274.2%
2pz1m3wtPolyandry in Kota Society120378330.8%
7gf9j23zModernity: Anthropological Aspects120368430.0%
0qn3s0z7Stimulus Diffusion112931983.0%
85v7q5qrControlling Processes - Tracing the Dynamic Components of Power107495845.8%
8jc2g51vA mixed-methods, population-based study of a syndemic in Soweto, South Africa105238221.9%
1w3136jvProyecto Arqueológico Taraco: 2006 Excavaciones en Chiripa, Bolivia104792576.0%
9nt6f73nHomes for Hunters? Exploring the Concept of Home at Hunter-Gatherer Sites in Upper Paleolithic Europe and Epipaleolithic Southwest Asia104347032.7%
5hw3n3khSpaces of insurgent citizenship103594457.3%
0q8331ttHistory and Science in Anthropology102495348.0%
4gw9z9mjEarly Settlement at Chiripa, Bolivia: Research of the Taraco Archaeological Project101227921.8%
5pp1465xWhite's View of Culture101881387.1%
4959436mResearch in Population and Culture: An Evolutionary Perspective100267426.0%
2zp873p1Interpreting ancient food practices: stable isotope and molecular analyses of visible and absorbed residues from a year-long cooking experiment96227422.9%
4815q4gpState and urban space in Brazil: from modernist planning to democratic interventions96445245.8%
0hs1w9jsPrelude to the Anthropocene: Two new North American Land Mammal Ages (NALMAs)95177817.9%
5r09m4tcThe contemporary afterlife of Moorish Spain94187619.1%
2zn2c26rMetini Village:  An Archaeological Study of Sustained Colonialism in Northern California90137714.4%
1q4300jkThe Ethnography of Law: A Bibliographic Survey85612471.8%
163648nrSocial vulnerability, parity and food insecurity in urban South African young women: the healthy life trajectories initiative (HeLTI) study83156818.1%
1vw9w4cnInsurgent citizenship in an era of global urban peripheries83344941.0%
69v51802Achievement, Culture and Personality: The Case of the Japanese Americans79354444.3%
91b9k7b9Proyecto Arqueológico Taraco Informe de las Excavaciones de la Temporada del 2004 en los Sitios de Kumi Kipa, Sonaji y Chiripa77522567.5%
6zd7q4xjDialect Differences and Social Stratification in a North Indian Village76482863.2%
2nh0k2pxSteps to a semiotic cognitive neuroscience75601580.0%
5sq147rnLegalizando o ilegal:  propriedade e usurpação no Brasil75542172.0%
2ft4x5wjMeat outside the freezer: Drying, smoking, salting and sealing meat in fat at an Epipalaeolithic megasite in eastern Jordan74245032.4%
4zq0f18fProyecto Arqueologico Taraco: Informe de las Excavaciones de la Temporada del 2005 en los Sitios de Sonaje y Kala Uyuni72581480.6%
2sv4f42bUrban citizenship and globalization69393056.5%
4sc0b61mThe Problem of the Present in Anthropology and Urban Planning AFTERWORD69393056.5%
9gb1s7k8Cyberpolitcs and Diaspora Politics among Transnational Chinese68165223.5%
0q29504gThe Identification of prehistoric hunter-gatherer aggregation sites: The case of Altamira67224532.8%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.