Agriculture and Resource Economics Working Papers

Parent: Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
3432z1pvEstimation of Supply and Demand Elasticities of California Commodities90276330.0%
3hp3g80jPoverty and Access to Infrastructure in Papua New Guinea90276330.0%
9s14452dRemittances, Inequality and Poverty: Evidence from Rural Mexico90256527.8%
3wc975kpEcotourism and Economic Growth in the Galapagos: An Island Economy-wide Analysis87355240.2%
6s27s2kbThe International Coffee Agreement: a tax on coffee producers and consumers?74185624.3%
7h04960cCGIAR Reform - Why So Difficult? Review, Reform, Renewal, Restructuring, Reform Again and then "The New CGIAR" - So Much Talk and So Little Basic Structural Change - Why?69234633.3%
71k2j1q2Hazards of Expropriation: Tenure Insecurity and Investment in Rural China58233539.7%
51j0k8kvAgricultural Productivity Growth in China: Farm Level versus National Measurement53163730.2%
7w71j0mtCost Economies And Market Power: The Case Of The U.S. Meat Packing Industry52252748.1%
4v55d7gjHow Brazil Transferred Billions to Foreign Coffee Importers: The International Coffee Agreement, Rent Seeking and Export Tax Rebates49222744.9%
7g14921kThoughts on Productivity, Efficiency and Capacity Utilization Measurement for Fisheries48252352.1%
6720k13fThe Dual of the Maximum Likelihood Method47133427.7%
8h07q9sfTesting the Adding Up Condition in Demand Systems47133427.7%
1g42z1gcFAO, Research and the CGIAR46301665.2%
0676t97vThe Evolution of China's Rural Labor Markets during the Reforms45113424.4%
1rx0571rTrade Remedy Laws and NAFTA Agricultural Trade45331273.3%
0434h70mNon-pecuniary Work Incentive and Labor Supply4483618.2%
67g4c4q0Local Government Behavior and Property Rights Formation in Rural China44311370.5%
811790nzThe California Nursery Industry, 2002-03: Value, Growth and Economic Impacts44321272.7%
3bk9x70wA Dual Approach to Estimation With Constant Prices43301369.8%
3m598178Worker and Firm Determinants of Piece Rate Variation in an Agricultural Labor Market43232053.5%
5xq0f15fDoes Natural Resource Extraction Mitigate Poverty and Inequality? Evidence from Rural Mexico and a Lacandona Rainforest Community4393420.9%
6v70b01pThe Dual of the Least-Squares Method42103223.8%
5td6x3mmPublic Infrastructure Investment, Costs, and Inter-State Spatial Spillovers in U.S. Manufacturing: 1982-9641291270.7%
2t07w79mUnderwriting Area-based Yield Insurance to Crowd-in Credit Supply and Demand40221855.0%
8b96t3fmInsider Privatization with a Tail: The Buyout Price and Performance of Privatized Firms in Rural China40162440.0%
1dx4c7bjEmployment, Emerging Labor Markets, and the Role of Education in Rural China39241561.5%
5zg359p2Economic Reform and the Changing Pattern of China's Agricultural Trade39192048.7%
8c51f11qThe Economic Record versus AER: Twenty Six Years Ahead on the Money-Goods Model3930976.9%
18c5t7dtQuantity Versus Shares in Estimating Demand Systems38132534.2%
1cs4q5xrLand Rights, Farmer Investment Incentives, and Agricultural Production in China38211755.3%
4tw149s5Efficient Estimates of a Model of Production and Cost38251365.8%
2g42f9fbA Nonlinear Generalized Additive Error Model of Production and Cost37241364.9%
3d48m8p1Economies of Scale and Scope, and the Economic Efficiency of China's Agricultural Research System37181948.6%
53q5j279Tracing the Effects of Agricultural Commodity Prices on Food Processing Costs37251267.6%
6xt635xsFAO in the Changing Global Landscape37211656.8%
3gz4c69nCost Economies: A Driving Force for Consolidation and Concentration?36191752.8%
8x36r0d1Migration and Income Diversification Evidence from Burkina Faso36221461.1%
1wh0b987The Rise and Decline of Rent-Seeking Activity in the Brazilian Coffee Sector: Lessons from the Imposition and Removal of Coffee Export Quotas35122334.3%
9p13n1nvA Gain with a Drain? Evidence from Rural Mexico on the New Economics of the Brain Drain35132237.1%
1j94r6wgMigration and the Sending Economy: A Disaggregated Rural Economy Wide Analysis34201458.8%
2c02x40dHow Elastic is Calorie Demand? Parametric, Nonparametric, and Semiparametric Results for Urban Papua New Guinea34201458.8%
4nt62166Freedom from Pollution? The State, the People, and the Environmental Kuznets Curve34191555.9%
8fp32082Primal-Dual Estimation of a Linear Expenditure Demand System34142041.2%
0bv0w3hgImpacts of Policy Reforms on the Supply of Mexican Labor to U.S. Farms: New Evidence from Mexico33151845.5%
1c83c1x3The Market Effect of a Food Scare: The Case of Genetically Modified StarLink Corn32161650.0%
1s02j378Markov-switching Model Selection Using Kullback-Leibler Divergence32181456.3%
1xt832zfSubsistence Response to Market Shocks32211165.6%
0ns2b3r3Price-Induced Technical Progress in 80 years of U.S. Agriculture3123874.2%
21h1w98jSensitivity of the GME Estimates to Support Bounds30161453.3%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.