Open Access Policy Deposits

Parent: Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

eScholarship stats: History by Item for June through September, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-092024-082024-072024-06
1528d4n2Evaluation of the sugar-sweetened beverage tax in Oakland, United States, 2015–2019: A quasi-experimental and cost-effectiveness study1,61526752837
83v0m2zwChanging economics of China’s power system suggest that batteries and renewables may be a lower cost way to meet peak demand growth than coal93757710170
40x818wjUsing agriculture for development: Supply- and demand-side approaches20354555242
9g11z5ccWhat is the Economic Cost of Climate Change?16936454147
77g020ssA note on the triple difference in economic models16331425139
23k9t4q6Private Input Suppliers as Information Agents for Technology Adoption in Agriculture15330354147
93g5m1q6Determinants of profitability of Polish rural micro-enterprises12126383027
08c6t2hsAdapting to Climate Change: The Remarkable Decline in the US Temperature-Mortality Relationship over the Twentieth Century11922443617
28t3x37wPolitical Economy of Public Policies: Insights from Distortions to Agricultural and Food Markets9917452215
7ts2z766The Role of Non-Farm Incomes in Reducing Rural Poverty and Inequality in China9627292119
1vb0j4d6How California Came to Pass AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 20069325162329
9183b502Achieving an 80% Carbon Free Electricity System in China by 20359217262425
8wk3t1c8Selective Reporting and the Social Cost of Carbon906282036
23n9h86mBig Data in Firms and Economic Research8968795
44j2w0d0A regional analysis of excess capacity in China’s power systems8815243019
5h97n884Are We #StayingHome to Flatten the Curve?8819222423
30z1q8nwPerformance Evaluation, Influence Activities, and Bureaucratic Work Behavior: Evidence from China8415233016
55d92584Tariffs and quotas that lower prices and raise welfare849193620
15h44767Determinants of Profitability of Polish Rural Micro-Enterprises at the Time of EU Accession8215221926
5qc631q9Green Industrial Policy: Trade and Theory8120161728
59c8m4x6Efficient asset portfolios and the theory of normal backwardation791526299
0565c0b2Heterogeneous Preferences for Water Quality: A Finite Mixture Model of Beach Recreation in Southern California78772836
0960h0c7The Economic Impacts of Climate Change: Evidence from Agricultural Output and Random Fluctuations in Weather: Comment7815172026
2n50h0jqThe global value of water in agriculture779222521
87w0c2v8Fair Trade and Free Entry: Can a Disequilibrium Market Serve as a Development Tool?7714213111
42z699vkA Tale of Two Communities: Explaining Deforestation in Mexico7412252413
8kq8z35dThe agricultural wage gap within rural villages 7210232415
49g4z7mxThe Effect of Parents' Occupation on Child Labor and School Attendance in Brazil7110202714
7xj9n1qqThe Impact of Rising Food Prices on Household Welfare in India6922191810
77q3w4smMoney or Power? Choosing Covid-19 aid in Kenya682322113
0q18s7b7Soda Wars: Effect of a Soda Tax Election on Soda Purchases671292512
4n28d9c1Vulnerability and Clientelism652021231
0801j7s0The Impact of Global Warming on U.S. Agriculture: An Econometric Analysis of Optimal Growing Conditions6412251413
3cj7r9nhReduce, Reuse, Redeem: Deposit-Refund Recycling Programs in the Presence of Alternatives6416191118
3ts0g5tnEstimating Household Welfare from Disaggregate Expenditures6415201514
46w1j22dEconometric analysis of imperfect competition and implications for trade research631125198
8qx7m4zqEndogenous Information Sharing and the Gains from Using Network Information to Maximize Technology Adoption63428229
29v6w5spCan Household Consumers Save the Wild Fish? Lessons from a Sustainable Seafood Advisory626242111
2vq7v90qThe Health and Climate Benefits of Economic Dispatch in China’s Power System62432215
3rg0c0fzThe Impact of Agricultural Biotechnology on Supply and Land-Use61725209
4qt9q8vrEstimating a Demand System with Choke Prices617222210
6ct5s49tPolitical economic markets: PERTS and PESTS in food and agriculture61626209
6gz1t778Vertical relationships between manufacturers and retailers: inference with limited data6116151911
7ks7s9jfGeneric Aversion and Observational Learning in the Over-the-Counter Drug Market6115171910
7qt9r513Governance structures and the durability of economic reforms; evidence from inflation stabilizations61231721
3zh92962Estimating the Relative Benefits of Agricultural Growth on the Distribution of Expenditures607231911
4cq0m6s3Equilibrium with product differentiation609181815
0378318w<em>ACCESS Magazine</em> Issue 47 Fall 201558330187
4s529404Retail Globalization and Household Welfare: Evidence from Mexico58821209

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.