UCLA Asia Institute

Parent: UCLA International Institute

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
37x1c0pkHousing Choices and Changing Residential Patterns in Transitional Urban China17124445548
9395w3mkThe Implications of China's Accession to the World Trade Organization11634343216
5w68j5csThe River Runs Dry: Examining Water Shortages in the Yellow River Basin7712252416
1hz5d4bsWork Units and Income Inequality: the Effect of Market Transition in Urban China4369226
3ch365t6Social Challenges of Transitions: Individual Narratives about the Impact of Transition on Self, Family, and Society30313113
4cm0b3rbThe April 25 Incident and Its Implications: A Study of the Buddhist Cult "Falun Gong" vis-a-vis the CCP's Ideological Education Work Among the Youth in a Period of Dramatic Economic Reforms243993
0pz96337Foreign Ownership, Foreign Technology and China's Economic Transition: A Case Study on Firm Performance2217104
8th9x1fnTesting the Cultural Boundaries of a Model of Trust: Subordinate-Manager Relationships in China, Norway and the United States225485
0mp192v8The Political Economy of China's Urban Reforms215124
40w3h4w0The Domestic Distributional Effects of China's Opening to the International Economy and the Politics of Institutional Choice16259
37t1x5wfThe Future of Chinese Political Reform154281
9hn5n112Corruption and Market Reform in China151482
70w3z1c8Dramatic Polilcy Shifts and Methodical Institutional Modifications: Developing an Indicator of Unemployment131291

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.