Humboldt Kolleg/NSF Workshop: New Vistas in Molecular Thermodynamics

Parent: Bourns College of Engineering

eScholarship stats: History by Item for June through September, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-092024-082024-072024-06
5n1020xkHumboldt Kolleg/NSF Workshop Program51227175
6n44n2znBiotechnology & Pharmaceutics - Panel Discussion45125154
08b6g778Benefits of Ab-initio, Semi-theoretical, Semi-empirical and Empirical VLE&VLLE Prediction Methods as seen by an Industrial User143316195
396053fwThermodynamic of Pharmaceutical Formulations41621131
1b7662b9Materials By Design - Panel Discussion3824131
68h777phOhm's law for two charge carriers32413141
4t432445Recent developments and challenges in theories of polyelectrolyte complexation2917111
9f80h9j3Metal-Organic Frameworks for Chemical Separations and Beyond: A Computational Perspective2541065
0nf9699nMolecular Modeling at the Interface of Biological and Polymer Physics245595
4jr2p4c6Molecular Thermodynamics of Polymer Fuel Cell Electrolyte Membranes2425125
8vb5w254Opening/Welcome Remarks243687
2np5g6drEngineering Molecular Thermodynaics - Panel Discussion2311822
0d73b60fControl of Phase Separation by Electro-autocatalysis2216114
3kf7m4fgThe Next Generation of Methods and Tools for Computer-Aided Molecular Design2229101
82s811r8Humboldt Kolleg/NSF Workshop Pictures222785
8zn2n3kzClosing Remarks211785
9dk9v27vAccurate Computational Predictions for Complex Materials Spaces211281
0s24s6x1Fundamentals of Chemical Disign and Engineering201055
1jf7p422Exact Classic TST in Dissipative and Driven Chemical Dynamics202765
5gh5z9wbMachine Learning the Structure-Property Relationships that Define Chemistry2031151
3459m5cgChallenges and Opportunities for Molecular Modeling in Hydrocarbon Recovery191045
1vd19393High-throughput Computational Screening as a Tool for Understanding the Molecular Thermodynamics of Adsorption18891
33w1t09jNew Horizons in Molecular THermodynamics Modeling: Peptide Design and Co-Assembly181161
5204p60nDoes Chemical Engineering Have A Reproducibility Problem?172951
9zc9r18rExploring the Chemical Space - Panel Discussion172654
160689ptProcess-directed molecular self-assembly162941
34m2h4tgAtomic Force Microscopy (AFM) - A New Approach for Fluid Interaction on Surfaces151221
1zs0m213Energy Conversion & Storage - Panel Disuccussion14671
84g1k6thEngineering Electrolytes from Columbic Liquids and Soft Matter (Polymer)141661
3pt2b17cExploring chemical space using random matrix theory131552
2bc5s189Fundamentals of Chemical Design and Engineering - Panel Discussion12561
0zm3s8kvChemical Design by Free Energy Derivative11551
51s2n9cfDesigning Ionic Liquids for CO2 Capture: What's the role for computation11551
5ww2q3m3Critical Challenges in Polymeric Materials Research Opportunities for Theory and Simulation10541

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