
Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: History by Item for August through November, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-112024-102024-092024-08
7p58d86hTracing the Alhambra Wash: Past, Present, and Future13329432437
5fr6w243Water Pollution Resulting from Homeless Encampments in Creeks: Programs in Sacramento, Santa Cruz, and San Pablo10325461220
52t0s7d3Salinas River: Historical context, maintenance, and biodiversity501320116
48g539f9A Restoration on Yongding River, Beijing45812421
4c91k70dRiparian vegetated buffer in Chinese urban wetlands: a case study of Xixi wetland, Hangzhou42510423
7cc357wwThe Social Evaluation of the Interval River ofShanghai Houtan Wetland Park37410518
96n8m5krA Royal Flush? Ecological and Social Success of Urban River Restoration on the Truckee33114216
9wz3b40vA Social Analysis of the San Marcos River3291355
4993f4t2Understanding the water, understanding the canyon: establishing a baseline study of the Redwood Canyon reach of Cerrito Creek in Blake Garden3135419
0h704176Flow Regime, Geomorphology, and Debris Transport of the San Pedro River: An Exploration of Flood History and Monitoring at the Border Wall3046218
4jw3z4m3Sausal Creek Restoration at Dimond Park: Vegetation and Geomorphology Post-Project Appraisal29105311
3wf9r44cPost-Project Appraisal of Santa Rosa Creek Restoration2825219
4h61h6p3Addressing channel incision  through floodplain reconnection: Revisiting the Lower Tassajara Creek project2836217
5hz970wvAssessment of Channel Changes Three Years after Implementation of the Salmon Habitat Enhancement, Phase 1 on Redwood Creek at Muir Woods28424
16s6r37pComparing Vermont and Washington Erodible River Corridor Policies274419
4bq0x7wgA Critique of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan275859
4r07n0d2The Urban Gauntlet for Steelhead Trout: A Reconnaissance Study of Habitat in UpperBollinger and Little Pine Creeks, Contra Costa County2744118
85g0b2nkCase Study: Pond and Plug Restoration at the Perazzo Meadows in the Northern Sierra Nevadas2651155
8vg720r4Finding a Foothold on an Uncertain Bank: An Assessment of Cerrito Creek into the Blake Garden 2524118
17s7q641Ecological Appraisal of an Urban Creek Daylighting Project: Wildcat Creek at Davis Park2436312
240624t9Redwood Creek Restoration at the Banducci Site: Geomorphic Changes on Lower Redwood Creek from 2003 to 20222442216
3sr4n04kAssessment of the use of grade control for improved groundwater storage on a tributary in Muir Woods242616
64n4h2b1Restoring San Leandro/Lisjan Creek: Re-establishing Sacred Relationships as Pathways toward Decolonization246729
6nw9b03wEcological History of Los Laureles-Goat Canyon2423118
8t28s24rA Feasibility Study of the Hangzhou Tangxi Canal Restoration 23716
2ww7f0bqThe impact of water level fluctuation on vegetation:An assessment of Zhenjiang Section of Yangtze River223514
0jp223fhWhat's Past is Present: A Re-Evaluation of Cerrito Creek2126112
2cm1410tFloodplain Restoration at the Old Orick Mill Site2126112
3v19383cThe Social Life of a Creek: San Anselmo Creek Park Redesign2127111
4qc6v8ghPost-Occupancy Evaluation Affected by Seasons: A Case Study of Waterfront Green Belt Along Yitong River in Changchun City21759
5t75j8x1Persistence and Effectiveness of Livewood as Large Wood in River Restoration 2125113
91p6s6w6Fire and Water: Establishing a Geomorphic Baseline for a Perennial Stream in the Walbridge Fire Footprint213612
6351w44dBaxter Creek Gateway Park Restoration: A Post-Project Appraisal192512
7d93z6gbFlood Risk Management and the Levee Effect in West Sacramento, California182610
8t93q5cwIn Search of Sand: Debris Flows and Pacific Lamprey Habitat, Salmon River, California1717
6mj3b3hnCreation of a side channel increases habitat heterogeneity in Lagunitas Creek, Marin County, California162617
0qh9858pCarbon sequestration potential on a reconnected floodplain: insights from the CosumnesRiver, California157332
71r6m3rxRestoration Impacts on Lobos Creek: San Francisco's Last Free-Flowing, Perennial, and Unculverted Creek1515
76s8q4p1Afton Canyon River Restoration Post-Project Appraisal1515
6974k786Tassajara Creek, Twenty Years Later: Long-term riparian vegetation restoration monitoring using field surveys and remote sensing14374
1883q02hRestoring Social Connection to the Salinas River: For Who, Where, and How?1212
6hh170jmGeomorphic and Hydraulic Controls on Coho Salmon Outmigration in the Russian River Watershed, California122622
7wc9j9p6Post-Project Assessment of Step-Pool and Channel Morphology at Wildcat Creek, Tilden Golf Course1212
9sw8v3chPost-Project Appraisal of Arroyo Viejo Improvement Project, Oakland, California111712
0j07z3gtAn Assessment of Lower American River Restoration Projects: Energy, Carbon Emissions and Bed Stresses102314
27w9n4dzAssessing Current Site Conditions and Vulnerabilities to Sea-Level Rise and Saltwater Intrusion: Lower Carneros Creek, Elkhorn Slough66
3fq5w687Post-breach Monitoring of a Natural Beaver Dam on French Creek44
6b1516nbLong-term fluctuations in sediment composition post San Clemente Dam removal on the Carmel River, California44
6g8941pdSocial Connectivity to the American River Parkway44
6mz8r4b0Establishing a Baseline Surveying of Ackerman Creek (<em>Ya-mo-bida</em>) at Pinoleville Pomo Nation44

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.