Berkeley Research Impact Initiative (BRII)

Parent: UC Berkeley Library

eScholarship stats: History by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-082024-072024-062024-05
3w53j7z0EzColocalization: An ImageJ plugin for visualizing and measuring colocalization in cells and organisms2661154
47h225fmInsight Maker: A general-purpose tool for web-based modeling & simulation265957
3m46n4j9HNCcorr: A Novel Combinatorial Approach for Cell Identification in Calcium Imaging Movies235495
77m6j50dSerial dependence promotes object stability during occlusion231571
3qv5z4r8Durability of effects from short-term economic incentives for clinic attendance among HIV positive adults in Tanzania: long-term follow-up of a randomised controlled trial217644
01n1t80pPatterns of coyote predation on sheep in California: A socio-ecological approach to mapping risk of livestock-predator conflict206626
19b5c6n4Bacterial Contamination of Drinking Water in Guadalajara, Mexico203935
3rz5g0d2Physics of Three-Dimensional Bosonic Topological Insulators: Surface-Deconfined Criticality and Quantized Magnetoelectric Effect205933
4kw1826nScientific and social challenges for the management of fire-prone wildland-urban interfaces206752
6825b857A review of the endemic Hawaiian Drosophilidae and their host plants206851
73q5b34bImplicit Standardization in a Minority Language Community: Real-Time Syntactic Change among Hasidic Yiddish Writers207733
88s2m9h6Global unsustainable virtual water flows in agricultural trade205852
9d50w5vxDo incentives undermine intrinsic motivation? Increases in intrinsic motivation within an incentive-based intervention for people living with HIV in Tanzania206725
9wh8j2jnEarly Childhood Oral Health and Nutrition in Urban and Rural Nepal206662
2tf8v7zrSource or Sink? A comparison of Landfire- and FIA-based estimates of change in aboveground live tree carbon in California's forests198524
6vm6r2wbMaterials sovereignty: Pathways for shaping nanotechnology design196544
7xq845gvNatural Tolerance to Ischemia and Hypoxemia in Diving Mammals: A Review197633
07m8x5hnThe potential for phenological mismatch between a perennial herb and its ground-nesting bee pollinator185931
0k7374sxInvariant neural responses for sensory categories revealed by the time-varying information for communication calls184545
3ss8f64hTopography and human pressure in mountain ranges alter expected species responses to climate change186525
0x60d3kzAncient DNA reveals the timing and persistence of organellar genetic bottlenecks over 3,000 years of sunflower domestication and improvement176731
30t653xbSpectrum-Wide Quantum Criticality at the Surface of Class AIII Topological Phases: An "Energy Stack"� of Integer Quantum Hall Plateau Transitions175525
3vg2k7wwDemoCut: generating concise instructional videos for physical demonstrations17593
4sm8x73jPollinator Community Assembly Tracks Changes in Floral Resources as Restored Hedgerows Mature in Agricultural Landscapes178522
63s7r6h4Why Does Therapy Work? An Idiographic Approach to Explore Mechanisms of Change Over the Course of Psychotherapy Using Digital Assessments174535
8vk0v4wdUnintended pregnancy and subsequent postpartum long-acting reversible contraceptive use in Zimbabwe17665
5gt819mkDescription and first application of a new technique to measure the gravitational mass of antihydrogen167522
6tj4j37cOptical characterization of surface adlayers and their compositional demixing at the nanoscale165812
74g239b3Sodium ion channel alkaloid resistance does not vary with toxicity in aposematic Dendrobates poison frogs: An examination of correlated trait evolution163544
0f77t3f0Communicating Climate Change Oceanically: Sea Level Rise Information Increases Mitigation, Inundation, and Global Warming Acceptance154632
1jz3s3gmThis Examined Life: The Upside of Self-Knowledge for Interpersonal Relationships154542
1wb7554gA Tale of Winglets: Evolution of Flight Morphology in Stick Insects153624
2qn8b7w9Renewable energy alternatives to mega hydropower: a case study of Inga 3 for Southern Africa154623
2vw3212zThe evolution of morphogenetic fitness landscapes: conceptualising the interplay between the developmental and ecological drivers of morphological innovation155721
2xv0t2hsZebra finches identify individuals using vocal signatures unique to each call type154731
3sf0d15wGlobal Gradients in Vertebrate Diversity Predicted by Historical Area-Productivity Dynamics and Contemporary Environment154524
3tb7c6c4Technology as Pharmakon : The Promise and Perils of the Internet for Foreign Language Education154722
4c583580Global Pyrogeography: the Current and Future Distribution of Wildfire15555
4kj15459Partial migration alters population ecology and food chain length: evidence from a salmonid fish153624
7911b7rzThe Challenges of Afghanistan and Iraq Veterans' Transition from Military to Civilian Life and Approaches to Reconnection15672
88c5f0t1Leaf Transcriptome Assembly of Protium copal (Burseraceae) and Annotation of Terpene Biosynthetic Genes153723
8jw4w84kThe centrality of social ties to climate migration and mental health154461
9m93861wTrauma during humanitarian work: the effects on intimacy, wellbeing and PTSD-symptoms157521
0r66h0gsSeasonality of antenatal care attendance, maternal dietary intake, and fetal growth in the VHEMBE birth cohort, South Africa145522
2g76b31rDoes land abandonment decrease species richness and abundance of plants and animals in Mediterranean pastures, arable lands and permanent croplands?144523
3s42g5mhBis (2,2'-bipyridine-<sup>2</sup>N,N') (4-methylbenzoato-<sup>2</sup>O,O')copper(II) iodide hemihydrate14293
46v489xkGermanium as a scalable sacrificial layer for nanoscale protein patterning147421
7vf6m6znCommunity Health Workers and Mobile Technology: A Systematic Review of the Literature14662
8t76m752Revealing biases in the sampling of ecological interaction networks144631
9798x18zIncrease in fertility following coal and oil power plant retirements in California145612

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.