Department of Linguistics

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: History by Item for August through November, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-112024-102024-092024-08
03m736szDiccionario Escolar Ikíitu Kuwasíini – Tawɨ Kuwasíini (Iquito – Castellano)2,029384583537525
6m5744jxHijra/Hijrin: Language and Gender Identity1,148253271308316
2p93q7nrConceptual Metaphor in Everyday Language712234192136150
3g9427m2Foundations of Meaning: Primary Metaphors and Primary Scenes668194180129165
7f6332bhThe Production and Perception of a Lesbian Speech Style576576836289
0x0010nvHedges: A Study In Meaning Criteria And The Logic Of Fuzzy Concepts566188154120104
3xw7j0c2Lexical Phonology and Morphology and the Ciyao Verb System459122410413
0j89f85gThe Framing of Immigration4561471517088
6mf9j40qWhy It Matters How We Frame the Environment 423871619976
3hr9r9cdWhat is Phonological Typology?4061191296098
04086580Cognitive Semantics 399961199292
9h5136djThe Syntax and Semantics of&nbsp;<em>Do So</em> Anaphora3848115336114
72n9j1f6English-Lahu Lexicon3728011071111
02z2h2fwA Historical-comparative Study of the Tani (Mirish) Branch in Tibeto-Burman364831367075
5tq8c9rbSegmental phonology339566812293
47v2w4gwWintu Dictionary32168758989
7n3020c1Topics on the syntax of Kawahíva: A Tupí-Guaraní language from the Brazilian Amazon320355581149
54g7j6zhThe Contemporary Theory of Metaphor309696546129
7tc6m7jwPhonological Conditions on Affixation30567906583
7j1054t9The sounds of the bantu languages30464857976
2tj4t3cwCognitive Versus Generative Linguistics: How Commitments Influence Results29462918457
6d01k2vdArgument Structure Constructions28782825865
0fx0928sNez Perce Grammar26056625488
2vw609w4Basic Yurok25968766253
4zb5t7gmHuman language diversity and the acoustic adaptation hypthesis251253810088
20q7m5dxThe shape of discourse: How gesture structures conversation24781593572
1t12x6htAnimism in Thought and Language24663595965
1sr5f98xTone: Is it Different?23853635468
2zn6n546Universals in Phonology22750545667
8m17f977Phonetics and Phonology of Ikalanga: A Diachronic and Synchronic Study22044584672
7vp15113Metaphor, Morality, and Politics, Or, Why Conservatives Have Left Liberals in the Dust21961704642
9sm131vjMetaphor and War: The Metaphor System Used to Justify War in the Gulf21940644669
5756w6w9Grammatical Polysemy: The Systematicity of Multiple Meanings in Grammar21858585250
67k806z4The syllable in Luganda phonology and morphology21446496653
4w84m8k4A Survey of English Vowel Spaces of Asian American Californians21352504269
2q6685k5Phonetics and Phonology of Urhobo20847393983
6tr732ggComparative Takic Grammar20853585047
2hd9m92jA Sociolinguistic Description of the Peranakan Chinese of Kelantan, Malaysia20551594550
2pv0z6cmWhy Cognitive Linguistics Require Embodied Realism20265643340
8n53c9z5Accent and Ideology among Bilingual Korean Americans19344534650
8228f7b9Myth of the Wug Test: Japanese Speakers Can't Pass it and English-speaking Children Can't Pass it Either19030666529
9671j4f8Phonology and Dictionary of Yavapai19043524649
12g3x6prTime and Thyme Are not Homophones: The Effect of Lemma Frequency on Word Durations in Spontaneous Speech18439475345
4323p5n0On Generative Semantics18426554558
9mw088r1Compensatory Lengthening: Phonetics, Phonology, Diachrony18042533154
34n2t9prThe Historical Origin of Consonant Mutation in the Atlantic Languages17834432081
3c40r8jvThe Tibeto-Burman Reproductive System: Toward an Etymological Thesaurus17848415732
2m45t9xjBantu Tone Overview17649373852
5f85g4bfHow Unconscious Metaphorical Thought Shapes Dreams17647603930
9px6p8h8Wick Miller's Uto-Aztecan Cognate Sets16748353945

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.