Center for African Studies

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
6nd6w7stHuman-carnivore conflict over livestock: The African wild dog in central Botswana97187918.6%
05g6k2bhSpaces of change: Tribal authorities in the former KaNgwane homeland, South Africa5794815.8%
9vz4m9wrLivelihoods in Crisis: Threats to Senegal's Artisanal Fishing Communities55352063.6%
87b7p783Communities, conservation, and tourism-based development: Can community-based nature tourism live up to its promise?402385.0%
9492s0k4Common goods and the common good: Transboundary natural resources, principled cooperation, and the Nile Basin Initiative3763116.2%
1wf778kkLinking local perceptions of elephants and conservation: Samburu pastoralists in northern Kenya33161748.5%
9889m4wvPerfective Aspect and Order of Affixation in Pulaar2972224.1%
6gd1x2p5Politics, Culture, and Action. Political Assertons in the Sud Kivu Province2451920.8%
45d4b1qnAttempting to understand the knowledge,perspectives, and practices of people living in Chilinza,Malawi on the topic of malaria2271531.8%
3mw325brCommunal approaches to natural resource management in Africa: From whence and to where?1961331.6%
70m865sbLinking farmer, forest and watershed: Understanding forestry and soil resource management along the upper Njoro River, Kenya1721511.8%
0mq7q7n9East African Pastoralists140140.0%
9278t24rNegotiating reforms at home: Natural resources and the politics of energy access in urban Tanzania1421214.3%
282575n0A spatial location-allocation GIS framework for managing water resources in a savanna nature reserve121118.3%
2wx010r6Personal markets and impersonal communities? Prospects for community conservation in Botswana120120.0%
3zw861tcPastoralism in the Horn of Africa: Classic and Current Issues ~ Curriculum Unit Guide121118.3%
8mv2s7dsShifting propagation: The political economy of bioprospecting in Madagascar116554.5%
77q40572Which Route to Follow?”93633.3%
8mc3v0p5Local responses to marine conservation in Zanzibar, Tanzania91811.1%
2tc7f988The Future of Pastoralism in Turkana District, Kenya6060.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.