Breslauer Symposium on Natural Resource Issues in Africa

Parent: Center for African Studies

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
6nd6w7stHuman-carnivore conflict over livestock: The African wild dog in central Botswana9118203815
05g6k2bhSpaces of change: Tribal authorities in the former KaNgwane homeland, South Africa5012151310
1wf778kkLinking local perceptions of elephants and conservation: Samburu pastoralists in northern Kenya40881311
9492s0k4Common goods and the common good: Transboundary natural resources, principled cooperation, and the Nile Basin Initiative34116125
8mv2s7dsShifting propagation: The political economy of bioprospecting in Madagascar3039126
87b7p783Communities, conservation, and tourism-based development: Can community-based nature tourism live up to its promise?2864144
70m865sbLinking farmer, forest and watershed: Understanding forestry and soil resource management along the upper Njoro River, Kenya1953101
2wx010r6Personal markets and impersonal communities? Prospects for community conservation in Botswana175291
3mw325brCommunal approaches to natural resource management in Africa: From whence and to where?174103
282575n0A spatial location-allocation GIS framework for managing water resources in a savanna nature reserve152103
9278t24rNegotiating reforms at home: Natural resources and the politics of energy access in urban Tanzania11263
8mc3v0p5Local responses to marine conservation in Zanzibar, Tanzania92241

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.