The CATESOL Journal

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
4mq8c886AI Literacy for Multilingual Learners: Storytelling, Role-playing, and Programming34586117142
6n1681gzAnalyzing the Use of AI Writing Assistants in Generating Texts with Standard American English Conventions: A Case Study of ChatGPT and Bard2144558111
6f51435cChatGPT, Plagiarism, and Multilingual Students’ Learning to Write191377480
0dq5h39rElementary Computing for All: A Computational Thinking Curriculum for Multilingual Students154244783
37v7p99hUsing Corpus Linguistics and Language Analysis Tools for ESLVocabulary Instruction: Two Case Studies143314171
10w7n5hmAction Research: Techniques for Collecting Data Through Surveys and Interviews141366738
37n3s9k6Rhetorical and Motivational Values of Multimodality in Writing: A Case Study Examining L2 Writers' Participation in Multimodal Academic Writing  140193586
01g3j2mkIntroduction to the Special Theme issue “Innovative, Interactive, and  Intelligent Uses of Technology in Multilingual Classrooms” 116233261
3kk331d1Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy by H. Douglas Brown103414517
2ct2j8mnExamining the Role of the Library in Promoting the Academic Achievement of English Learners92263729
4v8360z9How to Conduct a Critical Discourse Analysis of a Text: A Guide for Teachers90452223
2h49c4fdSyllabus Design in Content-Based Instruction84242238
4c87h7rfImplementing Universal Design for Learning in Online Courses to Support Multilingual Students in Higher Education84162246
7rd1q0j3The Effects of Peer and Self-Feedback84302232
8j41334zLongman Academic Reading Series 2: Reading Skills for College - Kim Sanabria84344010
1vg6806gLanguage, Power and Pedagogy: Bilingual Children in the Crossfire by Jim Cummins77223025
49m1p6xxAdult ESL Learners’ Attitudes Toward Movement (TPR) and Drama (TPR Storytelling) in the Classroom76183127
9df59928The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching by John I. Liontas (Ed.)73202825
1cc1z2q6Ready to Write 1: A First Composition Text (3rd ed.) - Karen Blanchard and Christine Root69202227
9ws5g0d3Using Google Docs for Collaborative Writing Feedback With International Students69221829
1br1s5snCollege Writing Skills With Readings (9th ed.) - John Langan68232223
5kw4c25vPotential Problems with Peer Responding in ESL Writing Classes67182029
1vg8x6cqIntegrating Mixed-Reality Simulations in TESOL Teacher Preparation Programs: Principles, Strengths, and Weaknesses6391341
4ps9x8hqMaking Content Comprehensible for Secondary English Learners: The SIOP Model (3rd ed.) - Jana Echevarría, MaryEllen Vogt, and Deborah J. Short62182321
1z17r384The Power of Reading: Insights From the Research by Stephen Krashen58201919
3900236fIntersectionality for TESOL Education: Connecting Theory and Justice Pedagogy57162021
7b3609s8Pronunciation—Research Into Practice and Practice Into Research57141825
8fc864mjTransformative Professional Development and the Promotion of Literacy Through Culturally Responsive Pedagogy53102122
9cv7469wHow (Not) to Teach Vocabulary53132416
9t58811cCollege Writing Skills With Readings (10th ed.) by John Langan and Zoe Albright53111725
8sx816jnPassword 1: A Reading and Vocabulary Text - Linda Butler51221415
91c921b9Insights Into Student Listening From Paused Transcription506539
4cw5g9mpWriting Up Research: Experimental Research Report Writing for Students of English by Robert Weissberg and Suzanne Buker49112117
0g6700t7HyperDocs, GIFs, and Collaboration Boards: Online Writing Instruction Supports for English Learners47151319
2cv1n4hxReading and Vocabulary Focus 3 - Jessica Williams4772317
2vv9x23pTeaching High-Value Pronunciation Features: Contrastive Stress for Intermediate Learners47141419
2053h1sdVocabulary in Language Teaching - Norbert Schmitt46181117
5vd5p526PronPack 1-4: Pronunciation Workouts, Puzzles, Pairworks, Poems - Mark Hancock4515921
6q58m241Pronunciation Fundamentals: Evidence-Based Perspectives for L2 Teaching and Research - Tracey M. Derwing and Murray J. Munro4592115
3tn8k4jwKeys to Teaching Grammar to English Language Learners: A Practical Handbook (2nd ed.) - Keith S. Folse44141515
56b791jbMaking Connections 4: Skills and Strategies for Academic Reading - Jessica Williams and Pamela Vittorio44161513
67m515b5How To Be a More Successful Language Learner: Toward Learner Autonomy (2nd ed.) by Joan Rubin and Irene Thompson4481917
01w04712Pathways 2: Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking - Becky Tarver Chase and Kristin L. Johannsen4371620
59w7x7jbACTIVE Skills for Reading 3 (3rd ed.) - Neil J. Anderson4317818
8xq704ctThe Positioning of Black ESL Teachers in the United States: Teacher Perspectives43131416
1390152bNational Geographic Reading Explorer 3 (1st ed.) - Nancy Douglas42131316
52n9s3d0Impact of Undocumented Immigrants on Adult ESL during COVID-19 and Beyond4241325
530798kqTips for Teaching Culture: Practical Approaches to Intercultural Communication - Ann C. Wintergerst and Joe McVeigh42111516
0gg6k9sqReading, Writing, and Learning in ESL: A Resource Book for Teaching K-12 English Learners (6th ed.) - Suzanne F. Peregoy and Owen F. Boyle4171618
9f5972rdSecond Language Vocabulary Acquisition: A Rationale for Pedagogy by James Coady and Thomas Huckin (Eds.)41101021

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.