The Population of the Central American Isthmus in 2003 Conference Papers

Parent: California Center for Population Research

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
1sb3m7rgNicaraguans in Costa Rica and the United States: Data from Ethnic Surveys (Translation of Spanish Version)3663016.7%
43p6d4zjMigrations Among the Indigenous Language Speaking Population in Southeastern Mexico (Translation of Spanish Version)35152042.9%
5qj3j279Fertility and the Environment in a Natural Resource Dependent Economy: Evidence from Petén, Guatemala3482623.5%
8m61n6r0Poverty and Family Transitions to Adulthood in Rural Localities on the Yucatan Peninsula (Translation of Spanish Version)34191555.9%
8c0675w7National Survey on International Emigration of Guatemalans 2002-2003 (Translation of Spanish Version)2742314.8%
6tp0x5x1Types of Household, Family Life Cycle and Poverty in Costa Rica (Translation of Spanish Version)2642215.4%
37r6f320International Migrations and Their Economic Effects in El Salvador (Translation of Spanish Version)2361726.1%
2bj2k764Impact of Formal Education of Women on Reproductive Behavior in Four Socio-Cultural Contexts in the Soconusco Region of Chiapas (Translation of Spanish Version)2151623.8%
3d310976High Fertility in the Central American Isthmus: A Risk in Transition (Translation of Spanish Version)2171433.3%
93p5q65pLeft Behind in the Economic Crisis: Poverty Among the Elderly in Costa Rica (Translation of Spanish Version)2031715.0%
6b71r47fIntroduction to "The Population of the Central American Isthmus in 2003"1951426.3%

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