Recent Work

Parent: The Proceedings of Spaces of History / Histories of Space: Emerging Approaches to the Study of the Built Environment

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
8dd143rjFrom Separate Spheres to Gendered Spaces: The Historiography of Women and Gender in 19th Century and Early 20th Century America3156924621.9%
9rt7c05fBeyond the Spatial Turn: Architectural History at the Intersection of the Social Sciences and Built Form1642314114.0%
699616jkEveryday Urbanism Between Public Space and "Forbidden" Space": The Case of the Old City of Nablus, Palestine71145719.7%
8p97g3x9Historicizing the View from Below: Aerial Photography and the Emergence of a Social Conception of Space51242747.1%
30d070b0Out of Conceived Space: For Another History of Architecture4253711.9%
9555r7swIdea and Form: The Integration of History in the Design Studio42202247.6%
2d26g533Making Plans: "Architecture Begins and Ends in Pictures"40142635.0%
2dn3590gOld Space, New Urbanism: Israeli Perspective on the Spatial Turn38162242.1%
1vp8z3wcThe Conversion of the Palace of the Republic, 2004-2005, A Technology of Changing Atmospheres35191654.3%
8809g5j0Making Place: The Cultural History of the Built Environment2752218.5%
225426rrThe Virtual (Re)Construction of History: Some Epistemological Questions2271531.8%
26d5t3x5History of Spaces as a Pivotal Tool for Planning Practice: Analyzing Fractures and Continuities with Schoolchildren for the Master Plan of Dicomano, Italy2161528.6%
3wx721scFormless Diagrams: The Employment of Studio Methods in the History Classroom1861233.3%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.