Mapping Global Inequalities

Parent: Center for Global, International and Regional Studies

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
3jv048hxThe World Distribution of Household Wealth509274825.3%
7sr54576Marriage, Motherhood and Masculinity in the Global Economy: Reconfigurations of Personal and Economic Life2301993186.5%
4t49t5zqGlobal Migration and Regionalization, 1840-19402137413934.7%
2f11d67cMapping global health inequalities: challenges and opportunities115882776.5%
2358z815Globalisation and health: impact pathways and recent evidence99594059.6%
4hd5n6prA look at the Spatial Inequality in Pakistan:Case study of District Sargodha73244932.9%
3z7544g1Intra-metropolitan health disparities in Canada: Studying how and why globalization matters, and what to do about it41261563.4%
23n6s2p3Migrants’ Remittances and Investments in Children’s Human Capital: The Role of Asymmetric Preferences in Mexico39152438.5%
28t4f2p4Children Left Behind - How Metropolitan Areas Are Failing America's Children38122631.6%
1p52w0r7Roma Migration Inequalities in Modern Europe3792824.3%
473642zrTackling Global Inequality in Labor Migration: Diaspora Mechanism and Migration Development Bank36171947.2%
8pr1q7dgEducational Inequalities in the midst of widespread poverty; Diversity across Africa in primary school completion34142041.2%
0255r0msWho Gets Public Goods? Using Satellite Imagery to Measure the Distribution of Rural Electrification3092130.0%
2xh9w2qpRegional Income Inequality in Post-1978 China: A Kaldorian Spatial Econometric Approach2762122.2%
6564917pInternational labour migration and reproduction of inequalities: The Latinoamerican Case2752218.5%
4nt1n232Reflections on the Macro Foundations of the Middle Class in the Developing World2671926.9%
0fh5z1hfImpacts of Trade on Wage Quality in Los Angeles: Analysis Using Matched Employer-Employee Data2552020.0%
6q81b75sInternational Migration as an Alternative to Development Assistance2361726.1%
72j0744cELECTORAL BARRIERS TO TRADE:Measuring the Effects of Income and Political Participation on Trade Openness2332013.0%
468929x1Alternative Data for Studying Global Civil Society: Correspondent Networks, Maps and Chronologies2071335.0%
4km0q9tqMapping Global Inequality with World Society Theory and Social Structural Analysis - Can Worlds Meet?1951426.3%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.