Sustainable Infrastructures

Parent: Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS)

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
0dr6p7wcOn the definition of cyber-physical resilience in power systems.115308526.1%
9390n4hcMicro-synchrophasors for distribution systems68244435.3%
66v552xxXBOS: An Extensible Building Operating System4964312.2%
9qq066hwOptimal dispatch of reactive power for voltage regulation and balancing in unbalanced distribution systems43222151.2%
0h5046n4A Living Laboratory Study in Personalized Automated Lighting Controls35152042.9%
8zq9x1qxDistribution network topology detection with time-series measurements33191457.6%
7bz2n6jpPhasor Measurements for DistributionSystem Applications32221068.8%
17s2s5w7Bayesian linear state estimation using smart meters and PMUs measurements in distribution grids31161551.6%
5bw572t4Data-driven approach for distribution network topology detection31181358.1%
7pd2h1rqA Linear Power Flow Formulation for Three-Phase Distribution Systems3072323.3%
79w4m753Abnormal event detection with high resolution micro-PMU data2862221.4%
4nz6g9kgsMAP — a Simple Measurement and Actuation Profile for Physical Information.242228.3%
53w685k5Abnormal event detection with high resolution micro-PMU data2316769.6%
2cn5n4p9The Local Team: Leveraging Distributed Resources to Improve Resilience1881044.4%
1kt5524dMicro-Synchrophasors for Distribution Systems151146.7%
49d6x8tzTopology detection in microgrids with micro-synchrophasors1510566.7%
5368q9mp<strong>Enabling Advanced Environmental Conditioning with a Building Application Stack.</strong>&nbsp;158753.3%
61w8z66wDISTIL: Design and Implementation of a Scalable Synchrophasor Data Processing System.158753.3%
9vg0316fBTrDB: Optimizing Storage System Design for Timeseries Processing1431121.4%
1qc2b40hPhase identification in distribution networks with micro-synchrophasors126650.0%
2qf9607mAddressing the challenges for integrating micro-synchrophasor data with operational system applications126650.0%
974620tgDeep Demand Response: The Case Study of the CITRIS Building at the University of California-Berkeley112918.2%
846892fvAccuracy and validation of measured and modeled data for distributed PV interconnection and control94544.4%
2qv517b0Towards a Wiser Use of Intelligence: Fieldwork in the Application of Information Technology in a Commercial Building.61516.7%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.