California Journal of Politics and Policy

Parent: Institute of Governmental Studies

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
9nz678jbTotal Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story1,414141,4001.0%
9mq6n7qxHow Can We Increase Turnout among Low Propensity Voters?281272549.6%
2gm5854xDoes More Choice Lead to Reduced Racially Polarized Voting? Assessing the Impact of Ranked-Choice Voting in Mayoral Elections2664122515.4%
09c4q90xExamining Racist Nativist Microagressions on DACAmented College Students in the Trump Era256142425.5%
8tm3s6hzOvervoting and the Equality of Voice under Instant-Runoff Voting in San Francisco254252299.8%
90f9t71kDeterminants of Political Participation in Urban Politics: A Los Angeles Case Study205121935.9%
89g5x6vnVoter Behavior in California’s Top Two Primary1952417112.3%
5k75w7xwAlaska’s New Electoral System: Countering Polarization or “Crooked as Hell”?1926013231.3%
10x1f4mnPolitics and the English Language in California: Bilingual Education at the Polls1835412929.5%
7mt1q84gProposition 13 and the Transformation of California Government1791532685.5%
76t2f4shHoney, I Shrunk the Surplus: California’s 2023-2024 Budget1736111235.3%
9fv871vjNo Space in Paradise: Hawai‘i’s FY 2024 Budget and the Cost-of-Living Crisis1593912024.5%
18t4z8dzFailed State: Political Corruption and the Collapse of Democracy in Bell, California1531114272.5%
1n48f1rjWhy California’s ‘Three Strikes’ Fails as Crime and Economic Policy, and What to Do142469632.4%
4mq0g05mThe Top Two: Too Soon to Tell1421231986.6%
9d19z2f8Overcoming the Challenges to Using Tiered Water Rates to Enhance Water Conservation140121288.6%
1fc6j2cbMontana’s Hard Right Turn Continues126646250.8%
8j3364ggAlaska Electoral Reform: The Top 4 Primary and Ranked-Choice-Voting123418233.3%
0sn629hmOregon 2023: Entering the Post-COVID World119388131.9%
3rf6v988Time to Yell “Cut?” An Evaluation of the California Film and Production Tax Credit for the Motion Picture Industry112209217.9%
3xm556c3Ads and Editorials: How Pretreatment Reduces the Persuasiveness of Interest Group Advertisements112496343.8%
84f6g2qjTransitory Legality: The Health Implication of Ending DACA110169414.5%
7s02m0r3California and the American Human Development Index108159313.9%
17d520j7Impacts of the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion in California107228520.6%
5n80k1k2Toward a Greater East Side: California Political Boundary Law and Southeast Los Angeles County107179015.9%
14p2v75wThe Pandemic in Prison: Implications for California Politics and Policymaking102376536.3%
1q2817czThe Myth of the Independent Voter, California Style101703169.3%
9rb421gsNew Mexico’s Box of Pandoras1009919.0%
4d90d2x0The Growing Presence of Faith-Based Hospitals in California Restricts Access to Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare96227422.9%
9tn793npMuddling Through: Alaska’s Budget Process in 2021948868.5%
400320phProposition 13 and The California Fiscal Shell Game93543958.1%
6pr2f7grA New Vision for California’s Healthcare System: Integrated Care with Aligned Financial Incentives93197420.4%
61f0v4dpThe Devolution of Immigrant Policymaking in the USA and Its Implications90108011.1%
0bh4p76k“Disciplined Savings and Stewardship”88256328.4%
6cf4147cTuition as a Path for Affordability? The Pursuit of a Progressive Tuition Model at the University of California87305734.5%
9714j8pcWhy Voters May Have Failed to Reward Proximate Candidates in the 2012 Top Two Primary85463954.1%
6cx5w2qrThe California Judiciary846787.1%
2jj0s1dnThe Economic Impact of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) in California83226126.5%
2hx8h87nDACA, DAPA, and Discretionary Executive Power: Immigrants Outside the Law82146817.1%
54m4h8kcMessaging Matters: How Information about Underrepresentation Affects the Political Participation of Racial and Ethnic Groups in California82364643.9%
9kq704cfCandidate Ethnicity and Latino Voting in Co-Partisan Elections82156718.3%
85p91138Cosmopolitan Berkeley and the Concept of Cultural Diversity in an American University78304838.5%
8013559gAccounting for California Water77215627.3%
6w3280t3If You Choose Not to Decide… Alaska’s Budgeting Process in 202376185823.7%
7b6790rdHow Much Does the Public Know about the State Budget, and Does It Matter?7686810.5%
99b449x5New Mexico: The Lost Decade765716.6%
5tb9302tFunding Challenges at the University of California: Balancing Quantity with Quality and the Prospect of a Significantly Revised Social Contract75215428.0%
6qx3q548California Jails under Realignment and Proposition 4775126316.0%
4b6215h4New Mexico 2023: Riding the Wave of Oil and Gas74155920.3%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.