Working Words: New Approaches to Japanese Studies

Parent: Center for Japanese Studies

eScholarship stats: History by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-082024-072024-062024-05
5zb9r8crおたく / Otaku / Geek25155696760
9535h2sn記憶 / Kioku / 思い出 / Omoide / Memory12338283225
9491q422美人 / Bijin / Beauty61272185
9451p047Ongaku, Onkyō / Music, Sound561913915
3mn8m1bs洋画 / Yōga: The Western Painting, National Painting, and Global Painting of Japan491818103
32t6g8nf史学 /Shigaku / History47261443
7qg8j2kg懺悔 / Zange: Buddhism, Gender and Meiji Literary Confession39151185
4gd8v00m科学 / Kagaku / 究理 /Kyūri: Science32131261
8q82t98nWorking Words: New Approaches to Japanese Studies3112955
5kz0g56z文学 / Bungaku / Literature3081075
3rw380hc中流 / Chūryū / Middling29101531
8rf743hmサブライム / Saburaimu / Sublime271575
17c327cp郷土 / Kyōdo / Native Soil2371132

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.