Center for Responsible Business

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
98f4n4frThe Impact of Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility On Consumer Behavior530128138136128
111799p2Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance50215014710897
80n4f1mfDouble Bottom Line Project Report:Assessing Social Impact In Double Bottom Line Ventures28169816764
70z5s7bjWhen Good Brands Do Bad23558665952
9kq0s218Breaking Down The Wall Of Codes:Evaluating Non-Financial Performance Measurement17840396039
6xp540hsSocial Return on Investment: Standard Guidelines15838444135
8j02n364The Happiness of Giving: The Time-Ask Effect14131264836
9q29f5qfGreenwash: Corporate Environmental Disclosure under Threat of Audit10811145231
66w2n385How Well do Social Ratings Actually Measure Corporate Social Responsibility?10519153734
4vt5h79vThe Time vs. Money Effect: Shifting Product Attitudes and Decisions through Personal Connection10026302420
8cq792hrThe Power of Shame and the Rationality of Trust10046221913
7258w42xCorporate Social Responsibility as Reputation Insurance9717292922
3287q5skThe Role of Boards of Directors in Corporate Governance: A Conceptual Framework & Survey952733287
8g66g3hfThe Private Regulation of Global Corporate Conduct8417391810
08h9j3f4Consumer Ethics Across Cultures569151913
1bw326tsInstitutional Pressures and Environmental Strategies5110151610
3sz7k7jcImitate or Differentiate? Evaluating the validity of corporate social responsibility ratings481161813
36s6m06qDo You Look to the Future or Focus on Today? The Impact of Life Experience on Intertemporal Decisions441191212
4v06w78sCorporate Social Responsibility as a Conflict Between Owners37107137
9qh5r011Resolving Information Asymmetries in Markets: The Role of Certified Management Programs35671012
3q38f5bhEthical Decision-Making in the Domain of Whistle-Blowing: How Issue Characteristics Affect Judgments and Intentions34126106
8k51r4g8Do Race, Gender, and Age Differences Affect Manager-Employee Relations? An Analysis of Quits, Dismissals, and Promotions at a Large Retail Firm3491294
3m72n4rkDesigning Sustainability at BMW Group: The Designworks/USA Experience33614103
6z99m2zrInnovation and Learning by Public Discourse: Citigroup and the Rainforest Action Network31414103
00v1p09wDiversity, Discrimination, and Performance2334106
61q8n3rnPublic Reporting about Sweatshops: Media Portrayal of Social Performance and Associated Impacts on Financial Performance235882
1f28w25qTurning Themselves In: Why Companies Disclose Regulatory Violations2222135
5qw3h8fjSabotage! Survey Evidence of When it is Acceptable223775
7fk5x18fFirm Value and Corporate Governance: How the Former Determines the Latter206752
3h37q4t9Manager Race and the Race of New Hires196283
7tm3j0hpBoard of Directors as an Endogenously Determined Institution: A Survey of the Economic Literature184383
2p77f70sConvergence of Interests--Producing Social and Business Gains Through Corporate Social Marketing152193
5xt4655kComparing Environmental Governance: Risk Regulation in the EU and the US142372
9j09c55bIs Social Capital the Capital of the Poor? The Role of Family and Community in Helping Insure Living Standards Against Health Shocks141454
0j8781bcAligning CSR with Power: Two Pragmatic Strategies for Transformational Change132281
3rx283m5Business E-Waste Geographical Comparison Study121182
9wk9k0rhThe Politics of Risk Regulation in Europe113161
2x46j043Measuring Social Capital for Social Performance103142
9h0040x3The Road to Hell: An Experimental Study of Intentions91152
903551f6Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Partnerships835
6302j2tcDrawing Inferences about Others Based on Corporate Social Responsibility Associations44

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.