Critical Planning
eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Issue for August through November, 2024
Vol/Iss | Total requests | Download | View-only | %Dnld |
25 | 1,088 | 625 | 463 | 57.4% |
23 | 993 | 364 | 629 | 36.7% |
26 | 784 | 292 | 492 | 37.2% |
27 | 733 | 309 | 424 | 42.2% |
21 | 706 | 139 | 567 | 19.7% |
22 | 596 | 242 | 354 | 40.6% |
Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.