Symposium: Democracy and Its Development 2005-2011

Parent: Center for the Study of Democracy

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
7t30r2gcHow Proportional are Mixed Compensatory Electoral Systems? Determining the Necessary Share of Compensation Mandates in Mixed Systems24662402.4%
0fg580b9Family Matters: Testing the Effect of Political Connections in Italy48143429.2%
2xk9z1rxRefusing to Engage: Political Competence and the “Don’t Know” Response on Surveys48202841.7%
4kf1t5pbInequality and Economic Growth: Bridging the Short-run and the Long-run40112927.5%
0h3856mfThe Role of Political Parties in Electoral Competition3993023.1%
0nc919pwIslamization of the Egyptian Intelligentsia: Discourse and Structure in Socialization Strategies3172422.6%
6g09w9vdTwo Paths to Populism: Explaining Peru’s First Episode of Populist Mobilization2952417.2%
8mp6c1thClassing Ethnicity: Class, Ethnicity and the Mass Politics of Taiwan’s Democratic Transition28111739.3%
6qw5r2rcThe (Dis)advantaged Incumbents: Estimating Incumbency Effects in Indian State Legislatures27151255.6%
2s0537b6Is Sunshine the Best Disinfectant? The Causal Relationship between Media Freedom and Democratization2671926.9%
6p280460The Influence of the Gender Gap in Parliamentarian Support for Reproductive Rights: Comparisons across Western Europe2231913.6%
0bv942dzPolitical Expenditures and Power Laws: A Spatial Model of the Lobbying Process2161528.6%
4f57v3j9Foreword -- Symposium: Democracy and its Development, 20052171433.3%
72t8c2q5How We Count Counts: The Empirical Effects of Using Coalitional Potential to Measure the Effective Number of Parties2171433.3%
9bd3z1x7The Nature of Mass Communist Beliefs in Postcommunist Russian Political Space2141719.0%
5qm7k5m6Electoral Systems and Interregional Cooperation: Politics and Economics in Transportation and Metropolitan Planning Organizations2061430.0%
45m96584The Effects of Transition on Life Satisfaction in Poland191185.3%
8k85d37zAggregating Conflict: The Impact of Municipal Boundaries on Electoral Politics1931615.8%
4gd0s7t3Does Social Capital Lead to Support for Democracy in East Asia?1821611.1%
7mt1k2mkRethinking Capital Mobility and Democratization: The Size of Political Regimes and Endogenous Capital Mobility1861233.3%
8r6956r4Measuring the Presidential Risk Factor: A Comment on Cheibub’s Presidentialism, Parliamentarism, and Democracy1831516.7%
0q49x9d7Do politicians use the press to get free advertising?1741323.5%
3q4347n4Tax Man Cometh: Income Taxation as a Measure of State Capacity1731417.6%
3m15p7xvReforming Electoral Finance in the Nineties: A Case Study of Spain1531220.0%
6dc1z62zCreating Union Democracy, Workers' Consciousness and Solidarity: Decision-Making Process, Election, and Education in Korean Unions151146.7%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.