Research Final Reports

Parent: California Sea Grant College Program

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
9gr5784dForaging Ecology of the California Sea Lion: Diet, Diving Behavior, Foraging Locations, and Predation Impacts on Fisheries Resources107406737.4%
0565c0b2Heterogeneous Preferences for Water Quality: A Finite Mixture Model of Beach Recreation in Southern California826767.3%
9vv2r9t4Aquatic Nuisance Species: A multi-stage approach to understanding the invasion ecology of exotic crayfish in Northern and Southern California48301862.5%
1k8479q7Full-scale Lateral Load Testing of Pier 3 at the Port of Long Beach4573815.6%
0gn2r3xxLong-term Faunal Changes in California Nudibranchs: Climate Change and Local Ocean Health43162737.2%
5ft5878rPharmacokinetics and Efficacy of Oxytetracycline in RLP-infected Abalone4334979.1%
0jj5c19hThe San Diego–La Jolla Ecological Reserve: Implications for the Design and Management of Marine Reserves42202247.6%
7c39q78nAssessing withering syndrome resistance in California black abalone: Implications for conservation and restoration4173417.1%
1ck9b3qsEstablishing a DNA Sequence Database for the Marine Fish Fauna of California4083220.0%
1ds60982Market Channels and Value Added to Fish Landed at Monterey Bay Area Ports39192048.7%
9mh4f40kMapping and Monitoring Large-Scale Ocean Fronts Off the California Coast Using Imagery from the GOES-10 Geostationary Satellite39231659.0%
4vt1x4qpToward the genetic engineering of disease resistance in oysters38241463.2%
7v267692Tools for Management of Withering Syndrome in Abalone, Haliotis spp: PCR Detection and Feed-Based Therapeutic Treatment38251365.8%
00p6b2wkPost-invasion Genetic Structure of European Green Crab Populations on the US West Coast and Its Implications for Their Control3682822.2%
1pc7h094Characterizing Vegetation-Hydrology Relationships for Tidal Marsh Restoration33221166.7%
33x9f3vcDevelopment of Novel Stable Isotope Approaches to Evaluate Carbon Flow in a Restored Coastal Wetland in Southern California33201360.6%
5fn0543hTemporal Variation in Fish Communities off Santa Cruz Island, California3327681.8%
71p14048Adaptive Management of Marine Protected Areas: Predicting Responses to MPA Implementation for Comparison to Monitoring Data 333309.1%
3142f5nzLife History Studies of California Chondrichthyans: Determining Essential Biological Information for Effective Management of Bycatch and Emerging Fisheries3172422.6%
57h3x700Characterizing the Role of Environmental Stressors in the Development of Withering Syndrome in Red Abalone31191261.3%
4xm6w842Linking Early Fish Growth and Transport to Circulation Using Otolith Microstructure and Microchemistry2922775.9%
7bt1725bA Novel Approach to Evaluating Patterns of Vertical Distribution in Cryptic Larvae: Application of Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) and a Large-Particle Cell Sorter29181162.1%
0bm9k25cEffects of Freshwater Flow and Population Connectivity on Benthic Community Dynamics in the San Francisco Estuary2832510.7%
6x28w5kfHigh-Throughput Molecular Identification of Fish Eggs and Larvae2852317.9%
9v05t4xwMitigation of Coastal Bluff Instability in San Diego County, California/Evaluating Seacliff Morphology and Erosion Control in San Diego County Using LIDAR and GIS28161257.1%
5348z957MPA-Based Collaborative Techniques to Improve Management of Nearshore Fisheries2772025.9%
5h4816dxSpatial Management of Fisheries2752218.5%
6sc93710Developing New Management Techniques for Sharks in the Drift Gillnet Fishery of the Southern California Bight2781929.6%
8mx6c9q4Noroviruses in coastal waters: Implications for seafood cultivation and human health2772025.9%
63k6d3jdControlling Marine Invasive Species: The case of the Indo-Pacific Lionfish Invasion in the Southeast U.S. and Caribbean262247.7%
7cg1z5hcTesting Ballast Water Treatment at a Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant2681830.8%
7zz429tmControlling Marine Invasive Species: The case of the Indo-Pacific Lionfish Invasion in the Southeast U.S. and Caribbean2632311.5%
9296c41bDetecting, Characterizing and Determining the Biological Response to Regime Shifts off the California Coast2632311.5%
0kz462cnExploting marine actinomycete diversity for natural product discovery251244.0%
2d97c5wkAssessing Sanctuary Shorelines: A Role for Volunteers, Particularly High School Students, in Resource Management2516964.0%
842822bqCalifornia Beach Health: Evaluation of Grunion as an Indicator Species25121348.0%
3zg6m44vEcological Impacts of Beach Grooming on Exposed Sandy Beaches2471729.2%
7m8291kwIntegrated Culture of Seaweeds and Red Abalone in Monterey Harbor2432112.5%
6wc6v44sDynamics and Ecosystem threats of Bidirectional Cordgrass Hybridization in San Francisco Bay2318578.3%
4443m5v8Modeling of Water and Sediment Quality in Impacted Coastal Embayments2216672.7%
6c116129California's Dungeness Crab: Conserving the Resource and Increasing the Net Economic Value of the Fishery2251722.7%
7500h4r1Empirical evaluation of regional scale marine reserves and the groundfish trawl fishery2291340.9%
1n07g5snMolecular and Bioassay-Based Investigation of Bivalves as Transmission Vectors of Protozoal Encephalitis in Southern Sea Otters2151623.8%
1pv5f4cwAnthropogenic Impacts on Rocky Intertidal Mollusks in Southern California: Compiling Historical Baseline and Quantifying the Extent of the Problem2191242.9%
5jp4s8mjObservation of Physical Fluxes Between an Estuary and the Ocean2161528.6%
8zr5h69fInvestigating the Limits of Native Oyster Recovery and Restoration2141719.0%
9kr018qqAssessing selected Pacific Oyster stocks for disease resistance in Tomalas Bay, California212199.5%
6hw0v4rqExploring the Impact of Avian Predators on Central California Salmonids2091145.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.