Center for the Study of Law and Society Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
011185w5Voice, Control, and Belonging: The Double-Edged Sword of Procedural Fairness2505419621.6%
7dk1j7hmUsing the Concept of Legal Culture2292920012.7%
5dc3886rDemocracy, Law, and Comparative Politics1725911334.3%
75v790fxChoice, Circumstance, and the Value of Equality122487439.3%
5321r1r0The Tensions Between Legal Instrumentalism and the Rule of Law117308725.6%
4ht6r11qExplaining the Overruling of U.S. Supreme Court Precedent108763270.4%
7qp3n8d1A Turning Point in Copyright: Baker v. Selden and Its Legacy100425842.0%
81p467xzThe Contract as Social Artifact96148214.6%
81g0030zNew arcana imperii88493955.7%
9v76p00jWhat Does It Mean to Decriminalize Marijuana? A Cross-National Empirical Examination88216723.9%
1545169pPerformance-Based Regulation: Prospects and Limitations in Health, Safety, and Environmental Regulation86642274.4%
2bs46743Motivating Management: Corporate Compliance in Environmental Protection71551677.5%
9pd920j9Legislation in a Common Law Context71116015.5%
46w3t4d0Justice in Reparations: The cost of memory and the value of talk64461871.9%
0t79b8n7Limited Rationality and the Limits of Supply Reduction6095115.0%
008853bpIntellectual Property5665010.7%
0d83p6qkAmerican and European Ways of Law: Six Entrenched Differences53322160.4%
8s894501Mapping Criminal Law: Blackstone and the Categories of English Jurisprudence53114220.8%
92c2910gCalibration Trumps Confidence as a Basis for Witness Credibility49262353.1%
2mv0f381The Passage of the Prison Rape Elimination Act: An Analysis of the Reconfiguration of Sexual Citizenship for Prisoners48252352.1%
2rc29425Framing the Food Fights: How Mass Media Construct and Constrict Public Interest Litigation48252352.1%
2rs5m17qNo Rationale for the Law of Homicide, How Governing Through Crime Has Devolved the Law of Homicide and Locked in Hyper-Punishment48311764.6%
845393hhFrom Benefit Sharing to Power Sharing: Partnership Governance in Population Genomics Research4774014.9%
8r99f510Collaborative Governance: Emerging Practices and the Incomplete Legal Framework for Citizen Stakeholder Voice46321469.6%
1rf100tvPuritan Godly Discipline in Comparative Perspective: Legal Pluralism and the Sources of “Intensity"45192642.2%
40h773bqLooking for Law in China45271860.0%
6gv1f5nwLiking to Be in America: Puerto Rico's Quest for Difference within the United States451442.2%
1t9073rvThe Return of the Medical Model: Disease and the Meaning of Imprisonment from John Howard to Brown v. Plata4373616.3%
3f1230svEducation, Equality, and National Citizenship434399.3%
6ch053x1Unions and Low-Wage Immigrant Workers: Lessons from the Justice for Janitors Campaign in Los Angeles, 1990- 200243261760.5%
9gf100wwEnabling Stem Cell Research and Development42251759.5%
7rj7808mComplicity and the Bystander to Crime41113026.8%
8ph0g1zzDesigning Justice: Legal Institutions and Other Systems for Managing Conflict41212051.2%
4f55g9k4Current Empirical Premises of the Disclosure of the Secrets of Property Law: A Foundation and a Guideline for Future Research40103025.0%
5h71r8vpThe Mixed Constitution and the Common Law40261465.0%
6297w1g0Criminal Responsibility and the Proof of Guilt3763116.2%
2xv0j6j7Authorizing the Production of Urban Moral Order: Appellate Courts and Their Knowledge Games3627975.0%
31c1x88wRethinking Regulatory Democracy36122433.3%
8gc6x8p1Slouching Toward Abolition: the American Capital Punishment Debate and the Economic Crisis36112530.6%
4bp8c9d2Distinguishing Spurious and Real Peer Effects: Evidence from Artificial Societies, Small-Group Experiments, and Real Schoolyards35191654.3%
60m141h4Trademark and Copyright Enforcement in the Shadow of IP Law35171848.6%
3m13w0vmSome Well-Aged Wines for the "New Norms" Bottles: Implications of Social Psychology for Law and Economics34231167.6%
5v62r8nmThe Relativity of Judgment as a Challenge for Behavioral Law and Economics34102429.4%
6v35j6tpShooting Down the More Guns, Less Crime Hypothesis34191555.9%
7bh6914bMedia Reporting of Jury Verdicts: Is the Tail (of the Distribution) Wagging the Dog?3462817.6%
8260s3n7To Render Justice: Models of ‘Justice’ in the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia3392427.3%
1jh1v0xmThe Future of Financial Regulation: Enhancing Integrity Through Design32141843.8%
1t73494nKatz at Forty: A Sociological Jurisprudence Whose Time Has Come32161650.0%
4k20s5zrThe Organization of Administrative Justice Systems:3252715.6%
5480b45qAntigone's Law31131841.9%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.