Center for Social Theory and Comparative History

Parent: Institute for Social Science Research

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
0sg0782hWhat is Good for Goldman Sachs is Good for America The Origins of the Present Crisis47915732232.8%
4b4325gkEconomic Meltdown: Causes and Consequences20202020.0%
5214r0ctSchumpeter and Democracy1363010622.1%
03k043w8The Market Economy of the US, 1800-1860116318526.7%
30s8h806Los Angeles 1965-1992: Six Geographies of Urban Restructuring84453953.6%
09x9979kImmigration Policy: Who Benefits?690690.0%
4n1147f1From National Movement to Nation65194629.2%
8hr9754sUnderstanding the Great Recession650650.0%
5v30j9dgGlobalization and Living Standards630630.0%
9c55s5xrLaw and the Courts580580.0%
92h6s6rgTHe Market and the Origins of American Economic Development, 1750-185057332457.9%
9vq8w1k5The World Food Crisis560560.0%
7jr93229Edgy Cities, Technoblurbs and Simulcrumbs: Depthless Utopias and Dystopias on the Sub-urban Fringe5194217.6%
5x3285q8Environmental Planning and Policy in the Los Angeles Region: Openings and Opportunities50381276.0%
65f652s5US Foreign Policy: Continuity or Rupture?470470.0%
11w7b4pgClimate Change and Public Policy After Copenhagen460460.0%
7gc5j4jgThe Obama Presidency After One Year440440.0%
8zc1z8b2Is the Japanese Economy in Crisis44321272.7%
8k87v5rrTrading Places: China and the US in the International System430430.0%
3z29t4xwStrategic Factors in the Economic Development of Early Massachusetts42231954.8%
620417hdPeak Oil and Future of Energy400400.0%
4gx6h3btAmerican Empire?380380.0%
7661x837Perpetual War?370370.0%
0dd6k9gtFuture of Public Higher Education in California3543111.4%
2wr6p1kdColonial Social Formations: The Indian Case33132039.4%
6t80h30vWhat Counts in US Politics: Voters or Interest Groups?3262618.8%
0qw2s3n8A Multilateral Moment: A New US Foreign Policy?3052516.7%
5qb9d13xThe Future of the Mass Media300300.0%
5sz926t6The Dilemma of Durable Goods30131743.3%
2z1185bmCultural Underpinnings of Capitalist Development in the Early National Period29111837.9%
21j3p024American Labor in International Lean Production2882028.6%
3b17628bThe Latin American Challenge: Chavez, Morales, Castro2852317.9%
153778zgA National Compensation for Backwardness27101737.0%
2tk1w4q3Israel’s Separation Fence2552020.0%
19t5g16hThe Question of European Unity2351821.7%
6dc515t4Is There A Crisis in the World Economy?2381534.8%
73x567vbChina Since the Global Crisis: Ascent Uninterrupted?222209.1%
7fk9n1xdIsrael and Palestine2261627.3%
7z45n41jThe US Media: Freedom, Power, & Profits2131814.3%
8ng5h5pjClimate Change: Causes, Consequences, and How to Respond210210.0%
01q1q7zpOrganizing Against the WTO: Hong Kong2031715.0%
55h5010kAge Shock and Financialization: The Crisis in Pensions1941521.1%
5bc753cdHugo Chavez and the Future of Venezuela1961331.6%
62n7n600A New Populism in Latin American?1951426.3%
02b584jbPaths to Modernity: China and India1831516.7%
0nc54198Paths to Modernity: Japan and the West1841422.2%
2ps0f3cxUneconomic Factors in 19th Century Economic Development1741323.5%
5mk5g2n5China Today: Economy and Politics1731417.6%
7dt4082mTriumph of the Right?1741323.5%
2509q1nfExplaining New York City's Aberrant Economy: Post-Industrial vs Classical Perspectives1641225.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.