Tobacco Control Policy Making: International

Parent: Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
75j1b2cgThe Development and Implementation of Tobacco-Free Movie Rules In India460334277.2%
09t535s7The Tobacco Industry's Successful Efforts to Control Tobacco Policy Making in Switzerland1775412330.5%
1gf170sfLa Industria Tabacalera y su Dominio en la Formulación de las Políticas Nacionales sobre el Control del Tabaco en Argentina, 1966- 200596237324.0%
7ks4s9jsSocial disruption caused by tobacco growing7396412.3%
8029s7xwTobacco Control Legislation in Costa Rica (1971-2012): After 40 Years of Tobacco Industry Dominance, Tobacco Control Advocacy Succeeds65333250.8%
5ds4w4f5German Tobacco Industry’s Successful Efforts to Maintain Scientific and Political Respectability to Prevent Regulation of Secondhand Smoke59104916.9%
3r1334mzTobacco Industry Attempts to Subvert European Union Tobacco Advertising Legislation58114719.0%
5sk6n6qvEl éxito de la industria tabacalera en Costa Rica:514477.8%
2wp8h92pAttempts to undermine tobacco control: tobacco industry "youth smoking prevention" programs to undermine meaningful tobacco control in Latin America3663016.7%
9g88j0j0Tobacco Industry Dominating National Tobacco Policy Making in Argentina, 1966-200535102528.6%
4xb2w81rReferences for "Civil Society and the Negotiation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control"191185.3%
76v5f4b5The Ministry of Health's Effort to Regulate Tobacco Use in Movies in India, 2005-61921710.5%
6162v0tjHealth, Nutrition and Population (NHP) Discussion Paper. Progression of Tobacco Control Policies: Lessons from the United States and Implications for Global Action1731417.6%
6b55c04qWie die Tabakindustrie in Deutschland durch die Erhaltung5050.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.