Working Papers

Parent: Energy, Controls, and Applications Lab

eScholarship stats: History by Item for August through November, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-112024-102024-092024-08
80g5s6dfBlockchains for Decentralized Optimization of Energy Resources in Microgrid Networks7621201421
5xt11817Battery State Estimation for a Single Particle Model with Electrolyte Dynamics51612924
7t453713Recursive Parameter Estimation of Thermostatically Controlled Loads via Unscented Kalman Filter416233
0g98j84kModel Predictive Control of Residential Baseboard Heaters with Distributed System Architecture2836118
6jc7377fBuilding Electricity Load Forecasting via Stacking Ensemble Learning Method with Moving Horizon Optimization28310510
1897t9cgNonlinear Predictive Energy Management of Residential Buildings with Photovoltaics & Batteries2755215
2m5333xxGeneration Following with Thermostatically Controlled Loads via Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers Sharing Algorithm2337211
4m5369gsOptimal Routing and Charging of Electric Ride-Pooling Vehicles in Urban Networks234928
8kx450mgPiecewise Linear Thermal Model and Recursive Parameter Estimation of a Residential Heating System217725
9ns337dhAlternative Control Trajectory Representation for the Approximate Convex Optimization of Non-Convex Discrete Energy Systems203827
17q3977bThermal Fault Diagnostics in Lithium-ion Batteries based on a Distributed Parameter Thermal Model186435
1n92f6rxWeak Variations Optimal Boundary Control of Hyperbolic PDEs with Application to Traffic Flow and Delay Systems12615

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