Global Studies

Parent: UC Santa Barbara

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
9c21h2pvGlobalization and the sociology of Immanuel Wallerstein: A critical appraisal1,027719566.9%
5vb3n9tcAnnexation of Crimea: Causes, Analysis and Global Implications97112684513.0%
51x1r30sThe Armenian Diaspora: Migration and its Influence on Identity and Politics763537106.9%
29z457nfGeopolitics, History, and International Relations717177002.4%
44j854qcSaskia Sassen and the Sociology of Globalization: A Critical Appraisal53916237730.1%
2dq9f2s7Water Privatization: A Threat to Human Rights?430304007.0%
34b5s46wGiovanni Arrighi: Systemic Cycles of Accumulation, Hegemonic Transitions, and the Rise of China3236226119.2%
6xb9t97wThe Syrian Crisis and Cultural Memory266162506.0%
4w64g29sEnvironmental Impacts of Illicit Drug Production2583622214.0%
77m340wnThe Commodification of the Native in the 21st Century202161867.9%
28k8z2t4The Transatlantic Divide: Why are American and British IPE So Different?1895413528.6%
15v5j7w3Hong Kong and China: One Country, Two Systems, Two Identities1775512231.1%
0dx7r40sTorture and the Future168769245.2%
2rw706q3Control and Intervention of Cholera Outbreaks in Refugee Camps162131498.0%
34c5582qLet's Meet at the Langar: How the Sikh Community has Persevered and Thrived in the US16091515.6%
7322q2p5From Bhindranwale to Bin Laden: The Rise of Religious Violence1562313314.7%
8wq2p3sjContemporary Visual Art and Iranian Feminism1431712611.9%
4pf7n8g3Constructing rights in Taiwan: the feminist factor, democratization, and the quest for global citizenship131121199.2%
3jt467ghConnectivity and Global Studies1251131290.4%
2dr6q014Multipolar Globalization Emerging Economies and Development119368330.3%
8c7219f3The Politics of Human Rights in Argentina118289023.7%
6x78d1jpLithium and development imaginaries in Chile, Argentina and Bolivia117675057.3%
0rj9f4dmExplaining Consensual Domination: Moving Beyond the Concept of Hegemony113476641.6%
5323q0kmEvaluating Cosmopolitanism10941053.7%
6zt2s3jbAgency, Expression, and the Virtual Sphere: Social Media in Saudi Arabia1036975.8%
2bg8q3sdFadi Lama. Why the West Can’t Win: From Bretton Woods to a Multipolar World102168615.7%
13m0m32qBeyond the Theory of Imperialism: Global Capitalism and the Transnational State100831783.0%
39p5p4thFirst as Farce: Symbolic Politics and Donald Trump’s Hands1004964.0%
2cf5w5pxBook Review: Cultural Chauvinism: Intercultural Communication and the Politics of Superiority by Minabere Ibelema98831584.7%
6x06c2x6Indigenous Visions of Self-Determination: Healing and Historical Trauma in Native America98118711.2%
9g85730fGlobal Capitalism Theory and the Emergence of Transnational Elites96663068.8%
44d402xvGlobal Capitalism Theory and the Emergence of Transnational Elites91801187.9%
8xb2p5rxThe Macrofoundation of Monetary Power89177219.1%
23w0n5sw“We Must Help Them Build Free Institutions”: Neoliberal Modernization and American Nation-Building in Iraq8897910.2%
4028c5t9Challenging Gendered Politics: The Impact of One-Party Systems on Women’s Political Participation in Legislatures875825.7%
23h636xcSo Close Yet So Far: Contrasting Andean Attitudes toward Foreign Direct Investment815766.2%
4n92c45qIs Religion the Problem?81166519.8%
7153p2v0Global capitalism and twenty-first century fascism: a UC case study815766.2%
94r956pvIconoclasm: ISIS and Cultural Destruction807738.8%
0487w52cLowriding Through New Spaces77116614.3%
5k99k5mqReligious Terror and Global War757689.3%
6g4786zxThe Influence of Perceived Gender Roles on the Use of Water Services in Chiapas, Mexico741731.4%
8wg1h3ckThe Pitfalls of Realist Analysis of Global Capitalism: A Critique of Ellen Meiksins Wood’s Empire of Capitalism: A Critique of Ellen Meiksins Wood's "Empire of Capital"74106413.5%
40m4t2rtThe Fragility of the Modern Imaginary: A Case Study of Western Sahara7396412.3%
513249vgCollege Major Restrictions and Student Stratification73155820.5%
85k9q6vz“THE GREAT RECESSION” OF 2008 AND THE CONTINUING CRISIS: A Global Capitalism Perspective73284538.4%
9x79t5v0Protest Begets Progress, Probably: Human Development Report 2013735686.8%
9175s301Thinking Globally About Religion72314143.1%
9sq59082Production/destruction in Latin America695647.2%
9dr224z3Copyright Law and the Democraticization of Cultural Value634596.3%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.