The George Wright Forum

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
9tz4r8mr[Authors, references, illustrations]200200.0%
7pz6415mTable of Contents, Vol. 1, No. 2180180.0%
819633q6Ecosystem responses to acid precipitation—Isle Royale National Park170170.0%
6gm4b73xLong-term research: An answer to "When are you going to QUIT?"141137.1%
09n126wfReport to Secretary of the Interior James G. Watt—A review and recommendations on animal problems and related management needs in units of the National Park System110110.0%
6s44w1mhThe membership—a status report111109.1%
1v76354qTable of Contents, Vol. 1, No. 1101910.0%
2b68p8xdComments on Carl Abbott's article100100.0%
5zd1j9t0Charter Members100100.0%
4zk3v0p9George M. Wright, 1904–19369090.0%
6g0948pmThe Relevance of Carrying Capacity: To National Parks and the World8080.0%
7mm3808hHistoric preservation: Facing a crucial choice8080.0%
9vm115x4Are the national parks in peril?81712.5%
0t29f2vmNotes on two important conferences7070.0%
7v71g7v3Conferences: Science is Stirring!7070.0%
3pz125fmNew Members6060.0%
3x30r35rChronology of landmark documents concerning wildlife resources of U.S. national parks6060.0%
0x5529p1Evaluation of New Areas for the National Park System: The Great Basin Study5050.0%
1fw302fcAuthors and Illustrations5050.0%
4mq2k9z4Sigurd F. Olson, 1899-198251420.0%
4zg330v4The Long Haul: An Editorial5050.0%
7tb771jrTable of Contents, Vol. 2, no. 15050.0%
0fc9r0qcConference Announcement4040.0%
0tb1b7ftNotes on GWS activities4040.0%
1dk6p25cGlacier National Park: An Island in a Sea of Development: A Guest Editorial4040.0%
1fz6q51cDomestic Tranquility and the National Park System: A Context for Human Ecology4040.0%
2j58968nSociety Election of Officers and Board Members4040.0%
2pw0g5w4Charter Members4040.0%
5298542sThe Park Library: Rare Materials and Easy Marks4040.0%
4jv9b0k6The Conservation of Agricultural Land Resources: The Role of the American Farmland Trust3030.0%
1103k2ppA View from the Wilderness: Guest Editorial1010.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.