Working Papers

Parent: University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
9q53t1szChina’s Evolving Fortress Economy2099511445.5%
19d8w4xmDomestic Incentives and the Internalization of Chineses Manufacturing in the Wind, Electric Vehicle, and Battery Industries1946712734.5%
28f568zvThe Trajectory of China’s Industrial Policies1864713925.3%
6f24q81xThe Weaponization of Information Technologies and Democratic Resilience1404010028.6%
0050h951Campaign Promises, Political Ambiguity, and Globalization135567941.5%
8503h22sReorganization of China’s Science and Technology System116269022.4%
3b86x9v6In-Group Punishment in International Relations: U.S. Reactions to the Founding of China’s AIIB97445345.4%
0f34s7b6Trailing the Market or Governing It? Two Decades of Industrial Policy for China's Solar Sector95405542.1%
918649djContesting the Anti-Coup Norm: ASEAN Responds to the 2021 Myanmar Coup61174427.9%
2572w5s7Global Governance under Populism: The Challenge of Information Suppression595548.5%
58v7f1bgSecuring India: Significance of Geoeconomics and Innovation in India’s Foreign Policy and Strategic Competition with China56203635.7%
1sb844wsTechno-industrial Policy for New Infrastructure: China’s Approach to Promoting Artificial Intelligence as a General Purpose Technology55243143.6%
8s31h6c9Democratic Backsliding and Foreign Policy51114021.6%
40m4179xWaste Not, Want Not: Tariffs as Environmental Protection49123724.5%
16d3b8z5The EDA Chokepoint Dilemma? Openness, Oligopolies, and China's Ecosystem45153033.3%
4wd7x7jvClimate Change, Political Conflict, and Democratic Resilience42123028.6%
3vp5p6pvBe My Friendly Reviewers: How China Shapes its UN Human Rights Reviews39102925.6%
5mk6g1z0Stabilizing Authoritarian Rule: The Role of International Organizations39192048.7%
2vc52690China’s Push for Precision Medicine: Lessons for Science and Industrial Policies3672919.4%
6gs0r9wnDemocratic Backsliding and Decisionmaking in the European Union: Eurosceptic Contestation?3553014.3%
2bx6b98gIlliberal Regimes and International Organizations3482623.5%
3mb417zgConditionality and the Politics of Climate Change3462817.6%
0d40d2z8Extraction, Contestation, and Conservation: Natural Resource Dependence and Protected Area Designation33132039.4%
7w8504tkRussia’s Global Anti-Nazism Campaign: Seeking Support in International Organizations3262618.8%
0965w1jbThe International Liberal Foundations of Democratic Backsliding31141745.2%
45p2n8ddStumbling out of the Gates: Security Strategy and Military Weakness after Revolutionary Victory312296.5%
15q5794kThe Environmental Policies of Populist Radical Right Governments2972224.1%
9n45z5cjThe Authoritarian Trojan Horse Threatening Liberal International Organizations2982127.6%
0q488032Nuclear Receptivity on the Frontline: Analysis of Norwegian Nuclear Allergy and South Korean Nuclear Enthusiasm During the Cold War2781929.6%
7sf7z6j7Contesting the Anti-Coup Norm: ASEAN Responds to the 2021 Myanmar Coup2632311.5%
99h5z506Enlightened Dictators? Good Governance In Autocratic International Organizations2681830.8%
7g9450nxWeathering the Storm? The Third Wave of Autocratization and International Organization Membership25111444.0%
2fc2d3prZombies Ahead: Explaining the Rise of Low-Quality Election Monitoring2461825.0%
3kc4f57jCompeting Verdicts: Multiple Election Monitors and Post-Election Contention2451920.8%
6fg0093jUndermining Liberal International Organizations from Within: Evidence from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe2491537.5%
1360q3g4The Rise of Authoritarian Regional International Organizations2251722.7%
53n4q35zThe Spread of (Mis)information: A Social Media Experiment in Pakistan2161528.6%
7sg3716kCyber Sovereignty: How China is Changing the Rules of Internet Freedom2151623.8%
0d83b2rwRegularized Campaigns as a New Institution for Effective Governance2081240.0%
3f04q4q5A Fox in the Henhouse: China, Normative Change, and the United Nations Human Rights Council2011955.0%
2jz3g89mEnforcing the Rule of Law in the EU: Effects on Public Opinion1971236.8%
51h8846sParticulates Matter: Policy Failures, Air Pollution, and Collective Political Participation in the United States1971236.8%
8386c0wrInternational Clientelistic Networks and International Fora: The Case of Venezuela at the United Nationals General Assembly (1999–2015)111109.1%
7gd693zpCommitment Ambiguity and Ambition in Climate Pledges104640.0%
2rj4t2rhSelling Violent Extremism8080.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.