Working Papers

Parent: University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
9q53t1szChina’s Evolving Fortress Economy209224433110
19d8w4xmDomestic Incentives and the Internalization of Chineses Manufacturing in the Wind, Electric Vehicle, and Battery Industries19453594042
28f568zvThe Trajectory of China’s Industrial Policies18630504858
6f24q81xThe Weaponization of Information Technologies and Democratic Resilience14040100
0050h951Campaign Promises, Political Ambiguity, and Globalization135129231
8503h22sReorganization of China’s Science and Technology System11628254320
3b86x9v6In-Group Punishment in International Relations: U.S. Reactions to the Founding of China’s AIIB97234034
0f34s7b6Trailing the Market or Governing It? Two Decades of Industrial Policy for China's Solar Sector951294826
918649djContesting the Anti-Coup Norm: ASEAN Responds to the 2021 Myanmar Coup6113172110
2572w5s7Global Governance under Populism: The Challenge of Information Suppression59525245
58v7f1bgSecuring India: Significance of Geoeconomics and Innovation in India’s Foreign Policy and Strategic Competition with China5611132012
1sb844wsTechno-industrial Policy for New Infrastructure: China’s Approach to Promoting Artificial Intelligence as a General Purpose Technology55971524
8s31h6c9Democratic Backsliding and Foreign Policy512012136
40m4179xWaste Not, Want Not: Tariffs as Environmental Protection49971221
16d3b8z5The EDA Chokepoint Dilemma? Openness, Oligopolies, and China's Ecosystem451071216
4wd7x7jvClimate Change, Political Conflict, and Democratic Resilience4242
3vp5p6pvBe My Friendly Reviewers: How China Shapes its UN Human Rights Reviews396924
5mk6g1z0Stabilizing Authoritarian Rule: The Role of International Organizations3947199
2vc52690China’s Push for Precision Medicine: Lessons for Science and Industrial Policies36133911
6gs0r9wnDemocratic Backsliding and Decisionmaking in the European Union: Eurosceptic Contestation?3589144
2bx6b98gIlliberal Regimes and International Organizations34106612
3mb417zgConditionality and the Politics of Climate Change3457157
0d40d2z8Extraction, Contestation, and Conservation: Natural Resource Dependence and Protected Area Designation3368910
7w8504tkRussia’s Global Anti-Nazism Campaign: Seeking Support in International Organizations3212299
0965w1jbThe International Liberal Foundations of Democratic Backsliding31103810
45p2n8ddStumbling out of the Gates: Security Strategy and Military Weakness after Revolutionary Victory3148145
15q5794kThe Environmental Policies of Populist Radical Right Governments293899
9n45z5cjThe Authoritarian Trojan Horse Threatening Liberal International Organizations2964136
0q488032Nuclear Receptivity on the Frontline: Analysis of Norwegian Nuclear Allergy and South Korean Nuclear Enthusiasm During the Cold War2774610
7sf7z6j7Contesting the Anti-Coup Norm: ASEAN Responds to the 2021 Myanmar Coup2610835
99h5z506Enlightened Dictators? Good Governance In Autocratic International Organizations265696
7g9450nxWeathering the Storm? The Third Wave of Autocratization and International Organization Membership2531912
2fc2d3prZombies Ahead: Explaining the Rise of Low-Quality Election Monitoring249393
3kc4f57jCompeting Verdicts: Multiple Election Monitors and Post-Election Contention247755
6fg0093jUndermining Liberal International Organizations from Within: Evidence from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe2413371
1360q3g4The Rise of Authoritarian Regional International Organizations2214152
53n4q35zThe Spread of (Mis)information: A Social Media Experiment in Pakistan216375
7sg3716kCyber Sovereignty: How China is Changing the Rules of Internet Freedom2145102
0d83b2rwRegularized Campaigns as a New Institution for Effective Governance20569
3f04q4q5A Fox in the Henhouse: China, Normative Change, and the United Nations Human Rights Council2041312
2jz3g89mEnforcing the Rule of Law in the EU: Effects on Public Opinion19298
51h8846sParticulates Matter: Policy Failures, Air Pollution, and Collective Political Participation in the United States193349
8386c0wrInternational Clientelistic Networks and International Fora: The Case of Venezuela at the United Nationals General Assembly (1999–2015)11452
7gd693zpCommitment Ambiguity and Ambition in Climate Pledges10253
2rj4t2rhSelling Violent Extremism88

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.