The Icelandic Federalist Papers

Parent: Institute of Governmental Studies

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
3t5902wjNo. 12: Constitutional Amendments83186521.7%
159606zpNo. 19: The Lack of Protections for the Criminally Accused181175.6%
77p2j4mdNo. 16: The Conformity of the Plan to Republican Principles161156.3%
10p4z7wkNo. 17: One Person, One Vote150150.0%
3zs7k040No. 21: Althingi Must Act on the New Constitution130130.0%
46n4t6znNo. 20: Right to Information and Freedom of Expression130130.0%
4sg134qgNo. 18: Electing and Removing the President110110.0%
1tf6c3h0No. 9: Judicial Independence100100.0%
2dg6h6b3No. 8: Other Defects of the Present Constitution (continued)102820.0%
1h73808pNo. 13: Separation of Powers81712.5%
1n12r27rNo. 15: Natural Resources as Human Rights81712.5%
1w0448m3No. 2: Other Defects of the Present Confederation8080.0%
09t9t963No. 7: Homogeneity, Heterogeneity, and the Constitutional Project7070.0%
4n1323ndNo. 1: Introduction7070.0%
7742j4bwNo. 3: On the Proposed Icelandic Constitution's Environmental Rights7070.0%
7pc1x6bxNo. 14: Convention and the Power of Amendment7070.0%
7vv078jgNo. 10: Judicial Independence (continued)7070.0%
31d2d1grNo. 11: Freedom of Religion62433.3%
355612xzNo. 4: On Republics and the Strength of the Union61516.7%
3tv360xhNo. 6: On the Duty of the Icelandic Parliament to Approve the Constitution Prepared and Voted by the People61516.7%
50s1b660No. 5: On the Frequency of Elections5050.0%

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