Recent Work

Parent: Center for Culture, Organizations and Politics - Previously Affiliated

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
26m187b1Social Skill and the Theory of Fields2385818024.4%
4mk4g08qA Theoretical Agenda for Economic Sociology2051327364.4%
8tw9g62mStates and Markets in an Era of Globalization1975813929.4%
2g67r185Making the Market: How the American pharmaceutical industry transformed itself during the 1940s14471374.9%
2br771m8The Passive Revolutionary Route to the Modern World: Italy and India in Comparative Perspective846787.1%
89m770dvFields, Power and Social Skill: A Critical Analysis of the New Institutionalisms70294141.4%
3b69r48nThe Institutionalization of the Treaty of Rome69115815.9%
9td2v5nxWhy Do Church-State Relations Change? Politics, Institutions, and Federal Funding for Parochial Schools in Australia and America, 1945-1985673644.5%
240845kmIs Globalization the Cause of the Crises of Welfare States?5765110.5%
3w66w6p5Material and Spiritual Conceptions of Development: A framework of ideal types5665010.7%
18t8j9tmThe Mediated Public Sphere: A Model for Cross-National Research5474713.0%
3p30898v'The State in Disguise of a Merchant': Extractive Administration in British India, 1784-18345364711.3%
4bk1r9h2The Rationalization of the Political Field: Beyond the State and Society-Centered Theories of Policy Change47113623.4%
0qv6h4cnThe Inversion of Morals in Markets: Death, Benefits, and the Exchange of Life Insurance Policies462444.3%
6jc6f1q6Economic Action and Embeddedness: The Problem of the Structure of Action444409.1%
7kq1f4j4Economic integration in Danish business history, 1850-20004493520.5%
12h3h6w5ADHD: BIOLOGICAL DISEASE OR PSYCHOSOCIAL DISORDER? Accounting for the French-American Divergence in Ritalin Consumption3773018.9%
5n07h3z2Using Fiction Sociologically3643211.1%
0pv465nnChanging Roles and Relationships of Lawyers in Silicon Valley3543111.4%
2fc6571wJudicialization and the Construction of Governance3472720.6%
7p57380rInstitutions and Corporate Strategies for Reorganization: A Case Study of Corporate Reorganization by Siemens in the United States and Germany32131940.6%
8bc5w2vhState and Economic Informality in a Comparative Perspective32122037.5%
3z94p953Hybrid intellectuals: Toward a social praxeology of U.S. think tank experts31121938.7%
0rv3c82qThe Transmission and Persistence of`'Urban Legends': Sociological Application of Age-Structured Epidemic Models3062420.0%
16s524cnInstitutionalized Pluralism: Advocacy Organization Involvement in National Policymaking2942513.8%
1zg159p5Gambling on Global Gaming: Corporate Lotteries and Casinos in South Africa2962320.7%
0sr8g7s9Access Isn't Everything: State Permeability, Class Capacities, and the Formation of U.S. and Canadian Labor Regimes, 1934-19482872125.0%
2xw628mdGoverning Without Commands or Controls: The Emergence of Self-Regulation as Reform and Justification27111640.7%
4m9566jdThe Politics of Innovation: High Technology Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Japan262247.7%
1h0950gjTell Them We Are Equal: Oppositional Cultural Capital, Organizational Capacity, and the Zapatistas’ Challenge to Transnational Social Movement Theory2581732.0%
4788g7nhReciprocity in the Russian Labor Market: Its Role in the Transition from State Socialism2532212.0%
73x263bcCreating the Modern American Fiscal State: The Political Economy of U.S. Tax Policy, 1880-19302552020.0%
9fv6g1rkRecruitment Agencies in Nurse Migration: Constructing Vital Pipelines through Profitable Business2442016.7%
4wd130sqGlobalization or Europeanization: Evidence on the European Economy Since 19802381534.8%
7vc648rqRestructuring in the Toyota Keiretsu during the Asian Financial Crash: An Ethnographic Perspective into Neo-liberal Reforms and the Varieties of Capitalism2351821.7%
1z20c4n5Tracing the Trail of Table Grapes: A Commodity Chain Study of Sonoran Table Grapes in the Global Economy2241818.2%
7jv0b9s3State-building and the Origins of Disciplinary Specialization in Nineteenth Century Germany2271531.8%
6w18n682Toward an Understanding of the Role of Social Networks on Employees' Performance2161528.6%
82j3n9k4Understanding the Differing Governance of EU Emissions Trading and Renewables: Feedback Mechanisms and Policy Entrepreneurs212199.5%
4b839871The Institutionalization of European Administrative Space2071335.0%
4j94c1npGreen Expectations: The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Implementing A Voluntary Environmental Management System2031715.0%
84x2f9dfTesting the No Child Left Behind Act: analyzing assumptions about the link between teacher quality and student achievement2061430.0%
3625f8vsState Coercion and the Rise of U.S. Business Unionism: The Counterfactual Case of Minneapolis Teamsters, 1934-19411961331.6%
5jw8n53tThe Social and Cultural Construction of the Work Life - Private Life Boundary in Three Countries: A Comparative Study of the Evening Hours in the Lives of Norwegian, French, and American Elite Professionals1971236.8%
6p66x2dgBypassing the Gatekeepers: Selling Prescription Drugs Directly to Consumers191185.3%
1mf6170wBackstage at the Campaign: The Race, Gender, and Education of National-Level Political Professionals1841422.2%
2211w09vConcept vs. Content: The Institutionalization of Labor Self-Regulation in the Global Apparel Industry1751229.4%
3md1n4d2Engineering a Link Between Universities and Vocational Schools? The Divergent Role of Professional Associations and Business Interests in the Formation of Systems for Technical Education in Germany and the USA1751229.4%
5r1627s2Stable Conflict in the San Francisco Homeless Policy Field1731417.6%
2597q2h0From Rights to Land: Chapter Two of Knowledge Production or Construction?: A Comparative Analysis of Census Taking in the West.1621412.5%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.