Berkeley Workshop on Environmental Politics

Parent: Institute of International Studies

eScholarship stats: History by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-062024-052024-042024-03
6h82r72hArticulating Indigenous Identity in Indonesia: Resource Politics and the Tribal Slot253554644108
7zh116zdPetro-Violence: Some Thoughts on Community, Extraction, and Political Ecology17525386052
92f9h7ctNotes on Culture and Natural Resource Management10721151853
3zc0r2kmSocial Movements and Ecological Modernization: The Transformation of Pulp and Paper Manufacturing5816131316
4b88q4mjThe Application of Seasonal to Interannual Climate Forecasts Based on El NiƱo - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Events: Australia, Brazil, Ethiopia, Peru, and Zimbabwe5414111811
8037h8wkDecentralization, Participation, and Accountability in Sahelian Forestry: Legal Instruments of Political-Administrative Control3916977
5rw1762sSocial Memory and the Politics of Place-Making in Northeastern Amazonia12426
6gj8v3m7Enhancing Sustainable Use: Incentives, Politics, and Science103421

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.