International Organization of Citrus Virologists Conference Proceedings (1957-2010)

Parent: International Organization of Citrus Virologists (IOCV)

eScholarship stats: History by Item for June through September, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-092024-082024-072024-06
8wq051rrLiving with Citrus Greening in South Africa15520384057
0kh3s6hfQuantitative Determination of the Free Amino Acids and Amides in Roots and Leaves of Healthy and Exocortis-Infected Citrus sinensis Osbeck on Poncirus trifoliata Raf.14924454139
4134f1xrTransmission Studies on Citrus Yellow Vein Clearing Virus1487705813
9x0758j3Behavior of Citrus macrophylla as a Rootstock for Eureka Lemon in Trials in New South Wales14123444232
3fp9g559Citrus Vein Enation12917484420
4877x0czAnalysis of the Devastation of Leaf Mottling (Greening) Disease of Citrus and Its Control Program in the Philippines12825413725
5xc658dtInvestigations on a Bergamot Gummosis in Calabria (Italy)12421513220
2fv4h6j3Tristeza and Toxoptera citricida in Cuba: Incidence and Control Strategies12317443428
9tk1f2r1The Citrus Sanitation Center of Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres, Six Years after Its Establishment12313493130
0pz353sfLimitations on the Use of Volkamer Lemon as Rootstock for Citrus12013543518
1rn9h32mFlight Phenology of Circulifer tenellus and Other Leafhoppers in San Joaquin Valley Citrus Groves12015443724
1vg6m3m2Natural Transmission of Spiroplasma citri to Periwinkles in Morocco11915453821
1xx254z3Huanglongbing (Greening) in Vietnam: Detection of Liberobacter asiaticum by DNA-Hybridization with Probe in 2.6 and PCR-Amplification of 16S Ribosomal DNA11915513518
3bn6w2ppPopulation Dynamics and Aspects of the Biology of Citrus Psylla, Diaphorina citri Kuw., in Maharashtra11818334126
19v0604nPolymerase Chain Reaction for Detection and Quantitation of Liberobacter asiaticum, the Bacterium Associated with Huanglongbing (Greening) of Citrus in China11717493120
2cb8s90nLocation Effect on Incidence of Citrus Tristeza Virus in Hawaii11620413223
2xq032t9Variable Transmission of African Greening to Sweet Orange11516473220
7g15z3npEvidence For Strain Differences and Stunting With Exocortis Virus11418443220
9w33200rEffect of Penicillin or Tetracycline Injections of Citrus Trees Affected by Greening Disease Under Field Conditions in Reunion Island11420433219
9zv9q0j1Citrus Greening Disease and the Greening Bacterium11315533213
9ck9q8nmA Comparison of Some Tristeza Isolates and a Cross-Protection Trial in Florida11215463120
8xj5w26vStudies on Leaf-Mottle-Yellows Disease of Citrus in the Philippines11118313725
43t6194jVariability of Citrus Exocortis Viroid (CEVd)11014412926
1c17z8m3Host Reactions of Citrus to Tristeza Virus in South Africa10914373622
4vf4k0wkStudy of Three Enzymes from Stubborn-affected Citrus Foliage10915462622
6xv2g7zfChanges in the Bark Proteins of Sour Orange Rootstock Induced by Citrus Tristeza Virus10920333224
0jq6d375Spatio-temporal analysis of an HLB epidemic in Florida and implications for spread10822331934
0rr1z8b8Abnormal Bud Unions of Triumph Grapefruit and Related Varieties on Rough Lemon Rootstock10814423022
7w02x0wfProgress Report of Studies in California on Preimmunization Against Tristeza in Budded Citrus Trees1089353232
9ns7j6v7Interrelation Among Rootstocks, Leaf Composition and Stem Pitting on Sweet Orange Scions10811412729
2fb8q5ndTowards an Integrated Management of Citrus Greening Disease10719352825
2s65d03nIndexing of Citrus Viroids by Imprint Hybridization: Comparison with Other Detection Methods10717342927
2sx375f4Regulations Affecting Control of Citrus Virus Diseases in California10716392923
0617p7tvStudies on Citrus Tristeza Virus Disease: II. Distribution and Movement of the Causal Virus in Citrus Plants10617343322
1332x6c3Effectiveness of the Different Life Cycle Stages of Brevipalpus Phoenicis Geijskes in Leprosis Transmission10618303226
2933d687Performance of a Clementine Mandarin with Cachexia-Xyloporosis on Eleven Rootstocks10618342628
3d7089hnPopulation Densities and Spatial Patterns of the Aphid Tristeza Vector, Toxoptera citricida Kirk10615433018
68c8p2q5Cross Protection Against Citrus Tristeza Seedling Yellows and Stem Pitting Virus by Protective Isolates Developed in Greenhouse Plants10613373323
2dc150sqWitches' Broom Disease of Lime Trees in Oman: Transmission of a Mycoplasma-like Organism (MLO) to Periwinkle and Citrus, and the Production of Monoclonal Antibodies against the MLO10520363019
4f98g565Transmission and Preliminary Characterization of Citrus Tristeza Virus Strain10515293130
7vw5h3pzA Disorder of Rangpur Lime and Citron on Sweet Orange10516333026
4sg7z8mzAssociation of a Viroid with Gum Pocket Disease of Trifoliate Orange10414432522
0bn1239xVirus and Virus-like Diseases in Turkey Citriculture10317322331
8p77s058Partial Characterization of a Badnavirus Associated with Citrus Yellow Mosaic Disease in India10319273225
32q3m4z0Citrus Variegated Chlorosis, A New Severe Disease in Brazil: A Review10218303123
3j5766pnProduction of Monoclonal Antibodies Recognizing Most Asian Strains of the Greening BLO by in Vitro Immunization With an Antigenic Protein Purified From the BLO10216343121
6fc173g4The Influence of Viruses on the Mineral Composition of Citrus Leaves10211442621
6fj6p05bWitches’ Broom Disease of Lime (WBDL)in Iran10114322827
6j1224cpCharacterization of Spiroplasmas by Polyacrylamide Gel Analysis of their Proteins and Enzymes10119253126
8mc9c8bpTaxonomy and Nomenclature in Citrus10122222730

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