Department of Plant Sciences

Parent: UC Davis

eScholarship stats: History by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-082024-072024-062024-05
7319f5n1Seed germination and vigor: ensuring crop sustainability in a changing climate23766584667
3qn459bcEffects of water-extratable humic substances on molecular physiology of nitrate uptake in two maize inbred lines with different nitrogen use efficiency19325605058
4h30z8tgNatural Nitrification Inhibitors for Augmenting Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Soil-Plant System19027555850
7hr282j2Constraints and new opportunities for achieving a green revolution in Sub-Saharan Africa through Integrated Soil Fertility Management18843334468
0zv4c34cHigh allelic diversity in Arabidopsis NLRs is associated with distinct genomic features.18021179349
4jz373jwConservation agriculture for sustainable intensification in South Asia17145434241
4vv5t6cbPostharvest quality and storage life of ‘Makapuno’ coconut (Cocos nucifera L.)16641443546
5175844pPremeiotic 24-nt phasiRNAs are present in the Zea genus and unique in biogenesis mechanism and molecular function.162510147
4df8q4scNovel synthetic inducible promoters controlling gene expression during water-deficit stress with green tissue specificity in transgenic poplar.134564533
9z63872fBoron fertilization is a must to enhance peanut production in India12923521242
9k69q71dRelationship between the structure of Fe-Lignosulfonate complexes determined by FTIR spectroscopy and their reduction by the leaf Fe reductase12533302933
21p1w0kfRegulatory Mechanisms Underlying Activation of Organ Abscission12028294716
1931r74jDistinctive symptoms differentiate four common types of berry shrivel disorder in grape11337372118
9h69k9tdThe dry chain: Reducing postharvest losses and improving food safety in humid climates11033282425
7k12w04mEffect of Organic Farming on Soil Fertility , Yield and Quality of Crops in the Tropics10925281244
2n75160jLocal forest structure variability increases resilience to wildfire in dry western U.S. coniferous forests10725411724
5r86s1gcIdentification of Putative Markers of Non-infectious Bud Failure in Almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb] Through Genome Wide DNA Methylation Profiling and Gene Expression Analysis in an Almond × Peach Hybrid Population1054333236
8mg5b352Whole-genome sequence and methylome profiling of the almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb] cultivar ‘Nonpareil’10339351811
9z14m314Targeting Hormone-Related Pathways to Improve Grain Yield in Rice: A Chemical Approach10336292216
0tk6r6k7Cloning of the wheat Yr15 resistance gene sheds light on the plant tandem kinase-pseudokinase family994029255
3b57j1m6Enzymatic Browning in Banana Blossoms and Techniques for Its Reduction9922312125
57h497xpThousands of small, novel genes predicted in global phage genomes994235166
9pk80463Transcriptional regulation of nitrogen-associated metabolism and growth9726311822
16x9h8hnBarley with improved drought tolerance: Challenges and perspectives9529261030
5s4501kqA GRF–GIF chimeric protein improves the regeneration efficiency of transgenic plants9430361513
5rq8w2sgDynamic changes in the starch-sugar interconversion within plant source and sink tissues promote a better abiotic stress response9220242523
8g4377pdCrop Biodiversity: An Unfinished Magnum Opus of Nature9129321416
1pv1v8jgAffinity Sedimentation and Magnetic Separation With Plant-Made Immunosorbent Nanoparticles for Therapeutic Protein Purification.884227163
0s32q793Harnessing cross-border resources to confront climate change872725269
8dk454kqThe ease and complexity of identifying and using specialized metabolites for crop engineering8727301614
4m44t1vmMetabolite Measurements8622141238
8g67f613Determination of Salmonella enterica Leaf Internalization Varies Substantially According to the Method and Conditions Used to Assess Bacterial Localization853423208
5f40w2xjOrganic management promotes natural pest control through altered plant resistance to insects.8428161129
5j6542p9Grazing affects vegetation diversity and heterogeneity in California vernal pools842228268
7fd762xqGenetic gains underpinning a little-known strawberry Green Revolution.8424241323
8cg3b7r6Is the Taste of Strawberry fruits (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) affected by Ammonium and Nitrate Nutrition?8417282118
50j431xkIntegrative analysis of the methylome and transcriptome of tomato fruit (Solanum lycopersicum L.) induced by postharvest handling831410455
94k1h7npResponses of Some Dwarf Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotypes Grown in Turkey to Zinc and Boron Applications8323251916
1wc2f331Three previously characterized resistances to yellow rust are encoded by a single locus Wtk1803025205
5jv2m7b7Postharvest internal browning of pineapple fruit originates at the phloem8025201916
7d73v4tvGenome assembly with in vitro proximity ligation data and whole-genome triplication in lettuce802821274
8d9858fnAn Arabidopsis gene regulatory network for secondary cell wall synthesis8032161715
1fg1z4cdInvading plants remain undetected in a lag phase while they explore suitable climates7924281710
3pq8p5p0Silicon uptake and translocation in plants7924281512
71s127m5Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Genomic Regions for Important Morpho-Agronomic Traits in Mesoamerican Common Bean793518206
7rt1x6g7Legacy nitrogen fertilizer in a rice-wheat cropping system flows to crops more than the environment795425
8q67t9k8Spatial Patterns Confound Experiments in Orchard Crops791932217
9mk613qtRevisiting the Holy Grail: using plant functional traits to understand ecological processes7923271415
8tx405rnChanges in soil N2O emissions and nitrogen use efficiency following long-term soil carbon storage: Evidence from a mesocosm experiment782520825

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