Recent Work

Parent: School of Information

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
170845t6Caste-based hate speech moderation on Facebook (Meta) and Twitter (X)3023626611.9%
1s76b6hpOn Inquiry: Human Concept Formation and Construction of Meaning through Library and Information Science Intermediation2932207375.1%
0rp834wfPrivacy Issues of the W3C Geolocation API2633223112.2%
999373q6Bridging the “Front Stage” and “Back Stage” in Service System Design187151728.0%
8wz9q7hvTargeting Social Protection Programs with Machine Learning and Digital Data1635011330.7%
1s60w39fInformation-intensive innovation: the changing role of the private firm in the research ecosystem through the study of biosensed data139568340.3%
1786t1dmPutting Things to REST116179914.7%
3vt3b1xfValues by Design Imaginaries: Exploring Values Work in UX Practice102831981.4%
5sg7q32qContext, Causality, and Information Flow: Implications for Privacy Engineering, Security, and Data Economics7887010.3%
9dc0f3f9IPR and Development in a Knowledge Economy: An Overview of Issues76106613.2%
53v7n6vhFeeling Air: Exploring Aesthetic and Material Qualities of Architectural Inflatables5975211.9%
18s3z11bAutomatically Assessing the Quality of Wikipedia Articles554517.3%
5nn8m5njEmotional Meaning Making with Data53114220.8%
4mg5n1w2Service Quality in the Physical and Virtual Marketplace442424.5%
2r6031thFeed Subscription Management424389.5%
0fb3h9btPeer-to-Peer (P2P) Technology: Legal and Policy Challenges3653113.9%
88h8f96jLibrary Science and Information Science360360.0%
6nc3589sDesigning Automated Assistants for Visual Data Exploration34112332.4%
0919c6svDestination Services: Tourist media and networked places3352815.2%
40z5g3szStrange and Unstable Fabrication3282425.0%
8d79h3kjThe User Experience of Software-as-a-Service Applications311303.2%
1vr0401pThis internet, on the ground2962320.7%
2m37k2c6SPath: A Path Language for XML Schema29181162.1%
7tw2w9wxImproving Federal Spending Transparency: Lessons Drawn from Recovery.gov2762122.2%
2w9057mzEmotional Biosensing: Exploring Critical Alternatives2417770.8%
3425p9s7From RESTful Services to RDF: Connecting the Web and the Semantic Web2471729.2%
4pd6b5mhLODE: Linking Open Descriptions of Events2471729.2%
33q0s3kxEconomic Indicators and Social Networks: New approaches to measuring poverty, prices, and impacts of technology2213959.1%
3gr1z5kgWeb Site Metadata2131814.3%
7kx4m0bdCalling for a Plurality of Perspectives on Design Futuring: An Un-Manifesto2041620.0%
4mj975dkDifficulties Implementing an Electronic Medical Record for Diverse Healthcare Service Providers191185.3%
69n9j5xsJudging a Book by its Cover — Online Previews and Book Sales1951426.3%
1f47139sUnexpected Collaborations: Kids' Appropriation of GarageBand as a Group Creative Tool1831516.7%
07b5n1n9Location Management for Mobile Devices1761135.3%
0f58g7qcPractical Obscurity in the Digital Age: Public Records in the Private Sector160160.0%
5dh528pkProduct Interaction Histories as Drivers of Service Ecologies1541126.7%
605511zcWho Signed Up for the Do-Not-Call List?1521313.3%
4qx492x3Defining Services for Designers141137.1%
66b2m91fDesigning for Service Systems1421214.3%
8b40q59kTaggers versus Linkers: Comparing Tags and Anchor Text of Web Pages141137.1%
0fv601z8Web Services for Recovery.gov1321115.4%
2jg7t21gFeed Feeds: Managing Feeds Using Feeds131127.7%
5668z4fvOpen Location-Oriented Services for the Web1321115.4%
42q341g6Web-Style Multimedia Annotations1221016.7%
5mp164n2Financial Information: The Internet and its Effects120120.0%
92v5c95sProposed Guideline Clarifications for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009121118.3%
0gd2k645MD:Notes - Designing an Information Service for Public Hospitals111109.1%
9gh3k2m0Service-based Systems in Clinical Environments112918.2%
75d5b61jImplementing Risk-Limiting Audits in California104640.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.