Institute for the Study of Societal Issues

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
0dz5488cFrom the Margins to the Mainstream: A Personal Reflection on Three Decades of Studying and Teaching Far-Right Politics1,79782896946.1%
8k51x134The Gab Project: The Methodological, Epistemological, and Legal Challenges of Studying the Platformized Far Right60537822762.5%
87w5c5gpDigital Fascism: Challenges for the Open Society in Times of Social Media52011140921.3%
313700c7The Supreme Court in Modi’s India4789638220.1%
9nr5m8j4<em>JRWS</em>, vol. 2, iss. 1 (2024)46517529037.6%
6kd5s122Stuart Hall's Relational Political Sociology: A Heuristic for Right-Wing Studies39013525534.6%
9x20f636The Ordinariness of January 6: Rhetorics of Participation in Antidemocratic Culture3907431619.0%
1sw4d67bThe Menace of Globalism: Merwin K. Hart and Nationalist Conservatism, 1930–19602935723619.5%
909156djIntroduction—The Curse of Relevance: Challenges Facing Right-Wing Studies2839418933.2%
3v54j28v"Remove Kebab": The Appeal of Serbian Nationalist Ideology among the Global Far Right2735921421.6%
3hd329fhTrumpism’s Paleoconservative Roots and Dealignment2647219227.3%
1s50z2x8<em>JRWS</em>, vol. 1, iss. 1 (2023)2579216535.8%
7dc7t9jdRight-Wing Studies: A Roundtable on the State of the Field25410215240.2%
2jv079jhRisky Business: Sex-work and Young Southeast Asian American Women in Oakland2362920712.3%
1n97x4h2Kaczyński’s Poland and Orbán’s Hungary: Different Forms of Autocracy with Common Right-Wing Frames in the EU2315317822.9%
1cc0c4twThe Morrill Act as Racial Contract: Settler Colonialism and U.S. Higher Education2203518515.9%
99w0p17jTreason, Treachery and Pro-Nazi Activities by the British Ruling Classes During World War Two219112085.0%
1wh3v1sjFrom Industrial Garden to Food Desert: Unearthing the Root Structure of Urban Agriculture in Oakland, California1985614228.3%
5368g17dThree Routes to Autocratic Rule: Market Reforms, Politics, and Masculinist Performance in the Making of Right-Wing Regimes1925813430.2%
9st0d2gsBurn after Reading: Research-Related Trauma, Burnout, and Resilience in Right-Wing Studies1906512534.2%
0xw485rpBlack Feminist Strategies for Right-Wing Studies1887011837.2%
32d7p28cRight-Wing Politics in Europe1755711832.6%
21f8v0s1Similarity Heuristics in the Indian Far Right: How the RSS Obscures Its Operational Scale1614611528.6%
53w442f7The Other Japan: Back to Japan’s Religious Roots for a New Japanese Nationalism?133587543.6%
9tk51577I Want My Country Back...and Also My Crown: Monarchists as a Yardstick for the Contemporary Right in Brazil132409230.3%
1xm629cvIrrationality and Pathology: How Public Health Can Help to Make Sense in Right-Wing Studies126408631.7%
804227k6Dancing the Carceral Creep: The Anti-Domestic Violence Movement and the Paradoxical Pursuit of Criminalization, 1973 - 1986117457238.5%
7kx7k25fThe Land in Land-grant: Unearthing Indigenous Dispossession in the Founding of the University of California113229119.5%
9s15b9r2Redevelopment and the Politics of Place in Bayview-Hunters Point112446839.3%
6kr3v4pzBlack Moms and “White Motherhood Society”: African-American Middle-Class Mothers’ Perspectives on Work, Family and Identity106307628.3%
3229m63bTurkey and the Kurds -- From War to Reconciliation?97138413.4%
3kg050t7The American Freedom Party: White Nationalist Politics and the Fight for Mainstream Access, Civil Rights Era to Present979889.3%
5z1751rwPredicting Suicidal Ideation among Native American High Schoolers in California96366037.5%
3zd6f7g9Saving Heroism in the Online Sphere: The Heroic in Far-Right Internet Memes94336135.1%
2m74v93dClassifying California’s English Learners: Is the CELDT too Blunt an Instrument?89216823.6%
3nm1n0m3Karen Lee Ashcraft, <em>Wronged and Dangerous: Viral Masculinity and the Populist Pandemic</em>89305933.7%
6q68m0srMy Girlfriend Became Neo-Nazi: The Right's Presence and Activity in the Internet89127713.5%
21s0x204Monitoring in the Garment Industry: Lessons from Los Angeles83434051.8%
10s3p1xtIncreasing African American, Latino, and Native American Representation among High Achieving Undergraduates at Selective Colleges and Universities81216025.9%
8215z237Cross-Border Therapeutic Itineraries: Towards the Study of Medical Pluralism and Cross-Border Human Mobility818739.9%
6vm4p24nEnvisioning “Loving Care” in Impermanent Healing Spaces: Sacred and Political Organizing Towards Decolonial Health/Care in Oakland, California80364445.0%
4hx5s4cqTUMOR: The (Dis)organization of the Right-Wing Opposition against Mexico’s ‘Fourth Transformation’79413851.9%
4wm02403Where Appalachia Went Right: White Masculinities, Nature, and Pro-Coal Politics in an Era of Climate Change79453457.0%
02h8c8m4Trapped in Our Origin Stories: Interrogating the Ideologies of ESL Citizenship Classrooms78195924.4%
7872f6xjThe University of California Land Grab: A Legacy of Profit from Indigenous Land—A Report of Key Learnings and Recommendations78265233.3%
7038t2gcRace and Class in the News: How the Media Portrays Gentrification77136416.9%
82b6p86fLetter from the Editor77146318.2%
2tn420vv“Made for Your Benefit”: Prohibition, Protection, and Refusal on Tohono O’odham, 1912-193375274836.0%
6t20159pGuatemalan Immigration to San Francisco Bay Area75195625.3%
0xt8p2wnRez-onomics: A Cross Comparative Analysis of Tribal Economic Performance74284637.8%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.