ISSI Project Reports and Working Papers

Parent: Institute for the Study of Societal Issues

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
93v6r7gxPolitics and Chicano Culture: The Case of El Teatro Campesino6619231212
1fx6c2ztSupporting the Educational Experiences of Indigenous Students and Families: The Case of Maya Migrants from Yucatán in the San Francisco Bay Area4848
10s3p1xtIncreasing African American, Latino, and Native American Representation among High Achieving Undergraduates at Selective Colleges and Universities456101712
8215z237Cross-Border Therapeutic Itineraries: Towards the Study of Medical Pluralism and Cross-Border Human Mobility431191310
1xp1992bLos menores migrantes no acompañados: Comprendiendo el tema411010129
0cw3q5x9Interpreting Chicano History: The World-System Approach to 19<sup>th</sup> Century California33511116
3n87898tBirds of a Feather? Peers, Delinquency and Risk33161610
2xp4j4nkParlier: The Hub of Raisin America; A Local History of Capitalist Development3113873
0qk317wbAlliance Between Women: Psychological Processes Against Racism, Anti-Semitism, and Heterosexism3094125
3d1462h7The Quality, Role and Effectiveness of the Haas BETA Program: Final Evaluation2942149
3238c073Unaccompanied Migrant Children: Understanding the Issue2734128
4mr5g67xClimbing up a Steeper Staircase: Intergenerational Social Mobility across Birth Cohorts in Argentina256577
9gd351s2Final Report: An Evaluation of Selected AmeriCorps Programs2212118
14k984w4Pedagogy and Performance of Military Masculinity at Fort Knox2043112
1034d4wjIs Spain a Statist Society? A Research Perspective on Organizations, Reflexivity and Collective Action193664
13929553The New Political Language of Race196562
2cq5648vThe Effects of Color-Blind Admissions: The Case of California and Implications for the Nation197255
6rc6m4rjReasons for Moving in Times of Crisis: The Motives Behind Migration of Highly-Skilled Spaniards to Berlin and London172294
3nw1s6b2Eating the Canary in the Coalmine: Thoughts and theories to explain the rising importance of food, events and agriculture/place as symbols and media of community and identity in post-modern societies162563
2352b2k2It's a Family Affair: Inter-generational Mobilization in the Spring 2006 Protests154362
5nb79280Changing Dynamics of Social Policy in the People's Republic of China and the United States of America153192
2x78p517The San Francisco Waterfront: Labor/Management Relations -- On the Ships and Docks, Part 1: "The Good Old Days"141175
49h4m9trViolence Against Women: The Case of Wife Beating (Part One/Part Two)13193
63q0m4bcInducements and the Hard Sell132263
0fc4k7t0Frame and Context for Understanding Mental Health Problems across Cultures: Language and the Social Self (Chinese Americans and Euro-Americans)123252
8r8073p6The Onset of Social Class Tastes among Children of Migrants in France: Competing Food Patterns in the Context of Migration12453
11z5w3mvFactors Influencing Patterns of Academic Achievement Among Latino Students: An Assessment of Educational Programs And A Prescription For Change1183
6j52v1p8The Emerging New Social Policy Paradigm in China: Reframing State-Society Relations11263
9311k1s0The San Francisco Waterfront: Labor/Management Relations -- On the Ships and Docks, Part 2: "Modern Longshore Operations"1192
7m64d6djPathways and Barriers to Genetic Testing and Screening: Molecular Genetics Meets the "High-risk Family"10226
0t41n5zkLatinos in the United States Economy: A Critique and Reformulation of Theories of Income Inequality and Policy Alternatives93231
630805gmIn Search of Personal Care7115
3wk0m1b6The San Francisco Waterfront: A Morality Play Moves On55
8qj7s0vhCommunity Mediation in a University Context523

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.