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Temporal framework for the Yanliao Biota and timing of the origin of crown mammals

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Creative Commons 'BY-NC-ND' version 4.0 license

Establishing the temporal sequence of the Middle-Late Jurassic Yanliao Biota is essential as it anchors the timing of many key evolutionary innovations in vertebrates. Lack of sufficiently reliable high-precision ages of fossil-bearing horizons hinders our ability to reconstruct the tempo and mode of vertebrate evolution. Here, we frame a temporal sequence of Yanliao Biota with precise age constraints for iconic vertebrates, proposing that the major vertebrate-bearing strata span from 164 Ma to 157 Ma in age. The increasing ecological diversity of mammaliaforms is well illustrated by the Middle-Late Jurassic Yanliao Biota and Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota. Incorporation of the updated temporal frameworks in Bayesian tip-dated mammaliaform phylogeny reveals that Triassic haramiyidans are separate from Jurassic taxa and unrelated to crown Mammalia. Tip-dated phylogeny supports a long-fuse model for mammal evolution, featured by a Late Triassic root and Middle-Late Jurassic interordinal diversification of crown Mammalia, showing consistency with molecular-based timetrees in divergence timing.

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