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Open Access Publications from the University of California

School of Medicine

Independent Study Projects bannerUC San Diego

Metered-dose inhaler instruction : outpatient provider perspectives


How effectively do physicians teach patients to manage disease? 28-68% of patients do not use MDI effectively enough to benefit from prescribed medication; skills in inhaler use fatigue over time; 2007 NHLBI recommendations: teach and reinforce MDI skills at every visit and provider should demonstrate inhaler technique, have patient return the demonstration, and give feedback; 5.3% of providers demonstrated MDI technique at every visit and 13.3% assessed patient technique at every visit. Objectives: among San Diego county outpatient pediatric practices 1) identify what instructional methods are used to teach MDI use and who performs this teaching; 2) describe how MDI use is reassessed at follow up visits; 3) describe provider attitudes toward and barriers to in-office MDI instruction.

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