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Converse Intentionalism and Experiential Content


My dissertation is a critical essay on converse intentionalism as embedded in the contemporary philosophy of experience, which says that for any experience, its intentional content supervenes on its phenomenal character. This principle has been deeply involved in a lot of discussions on the content of experience. For example, contemporary phenomenal-intentionality theorists argue for their position by appealing to scenarios in which a brain-in-a-vat (BIV) which is causally disconnected from the external environment, and which has the same phenomenal states as normal humans do, has the same intentional content as normal humans (Horgan and Tienson 2002, Loar 2003, Pautz 2006a, Chalmers 2004). In their view, this BIV type of thought experiment is intuitively compelling and strongly convinces them of converse intentionalism.

So just as in epistemology where converse intentionalism is often tacitly assumed, it is also widely accepted in the philosophy of experience. As we shall see later, whether you are a naturalist or a non-naturalist, a semantic externalist or a narrow theorist, converse intentionalism is a commitment you have strong reason to make. Ironically, however, as in Greek tragedy where one cannot avoid what one wants to, I will argue that a philosopher of experience, whether she is a naturalist or a non-naturalist, an externalist or a narrow theorist, can never embrace converse intentionalism without undermining her own position. Given that converse intentionalism gives rise to tension within their respective theories, I will propose a replacement for philosophers of experience, and I will argue that this new theory is probably the best they can have.

From the naturalist point of view, every property can be understood in terms of the physical sciences. Typically, philosophers naturalize intentionality by holding semantic externalism of mental content i.e., that the content of a mental state is determined by entities in the environment. Then to naturalize phenomenology, they may argue that phenomenology is identical to experiential intentionality. Since identity entails co-supervenience, we can see why naturalists/externalists endorse converse intentionalism.

Meanwhile, narrow content theorists also endorse converse intentionalism. According to almost all such theorists, a semantic theory assigning a content to a mental state should at least do so in accordance with the psychological role of that state (e.g., Loar 1988a, b). Given the strong connection between phenomenology and psychological role—e.g., pain causes avoidance—narrow theorists argue that content is determined by or identical to phenomenology. This is why converse intentionalism generally accompanies narrow theorists’ core thesis.

However, as Block’s Inverted Earth case (1990) suggests, intentional content as understood by naturalists and externalists is determined by the external environment whereas intuitively, phenomenal character is independent from the external environment. Hence, I will argue in Chapter 2 that we would have an intuition clash if naturalists’ identification of phenomenology and intentionality is accepted. On the other hand, the connection between phenomenology and psychological role as presupposed by the narrow theorist to argue for converse intentionalism is questionable. For as Block’s (1978) argues, the psychological role of a mental state is relational while the phenomenal character of a state is intrinsic, and hence it is possible to fix the psychological role of a state without fixing its phenomenal character. Conversely, Block (2007) also argues that experiences with the same intrinsic properties may not have the same psychological role. Once again, as I will show in Chapter 3, we would have an intuition clash if narrow theorists’ presupposition that they co-supervene on each other is upheld.

This suggests that the crux of the issue is that phenomenal character is internal and intrinsic while psychological role and content are relational. That is why we always have an intuition clash whichever semantic theory is accepted. I suggest we should replace it. To be clear, by replacing converse intentionalism, I aim to find a principle that achieves the following two goals. First, it should address the primary concerns of externalists and narrow theorists. In the former case, the new principle should help externalists naturalize intentionality. In the latter case, it should satisfy narrow theorists’ requirement that content assignments should be in accordance with psychological role. Second, the new principle should avoid all the counter-examples discussed in this dissertation, and should not be subject to new counter-examples.

To replace converse intentionalism, in Chapter 4, I propose a new principle that for any two experience tokens, if they have the same phenomenal character and psychological role, then they have the same content. I shall call it “converse psychointentionalism”. We can sense prima facie this principle is less likely to cause such intuition clashes for us since both the antecedent and the consequent involve relational properties, i.e., the former involves psychological role and the latter involves content. I will further argue at the second half of Chapter 4 that converse psychointentionalism can satisfactorily address the primary concerns of naturalists/non-naturalists and of externalists/narrow theorists.

In sum, we should replace converse intentionalism with converse psychointentionalism. In my view, philosophy of experience has been dominated by converse intentionalism, which generates a lot of puzzles and problems for philosophers whether they are naturalists, non-naturalists, externalists or narrow theorists. If my arguments are correct, it is time for us to jettison converse intentionalism, and replace it with a less problematic principle.

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