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Open Access Publications from the University of California

The Gravity of the Situation

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Summary: In The Gravity of the Situation, you play the role of a squirrel who is born into a tribe of squirrels. This tribe is gathering nuts for the winter when it is discovered that our newly born protagonist can create nuts out of thin air. The leaders of the tribe are ecstatic when they discover this, and quickly tell the squirrel to begin creating nuts for their food stock. The moment our young friend releases one of his magically crafted nuts, a huge well of gravity engulfs the acorn storage area. This gravity well quickly sucks up all of the food that had been stored for the winter, along with a few of the squirrels who had been cataloging everything. As the gravity well peters out of existence, the surviving squirrels realize with horror what their young counterpart has done. The remaining squirrels gather him up without a word and they head to their holy site. Once there the squirrel leader speaks of curses and the need to cleanse the tribe of evil. The young squirrel looks on in confusion until the other squirrels in the tribe lift it and begin carrying it towards what looks like a rip in the world. The squirrel realizes that this is where he is doomed to be placed a moment before he is tossed through the portal. He lands with a thump on the other side, looking at what seems to be an expansive cave. He hears a booming voice speak of proper sacrifices and expresses anger towards getting thrown the tribe's trash. The deity tells our protagonist that the squirrel will not be killed, and wishes it luck in escaping the deity's realm. The squirrel looks around and decides to take revenge with the gravity well that put it here.

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Executable file.


GameMaker gmz file.
