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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Mission Omega

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 You are Garthos, you work for a secret company that keeps the world safe from a mysterious alien race. The company�s main mission is to protect

a girl name Olivia from the aliens. It�s not Olivia that the aliens want, but the Omega gem that she possesses. It is a powerful gem that has enough power

to destroy the entire world, and Olivia has had it since she was an infant. Garthos�s teacher and trainer, Crystal, found out about the gem and took Olivia to the

aliens. Crystal is now considered a traitor to the human race and Garthos must stop her and retrieve Olivia before times runs out and the aliens get the Omega gem.

Fortunately Garthos posseses an Omega Belt, a device that taps in to a fraction of the power of the Omega Gem and lets its user phase in and out of reality. You

can use these phases to move around by rapidly shifting back and for between two realities, making it nigh impossible to see you. You can also compleatly shift

in to a parallel reality, alowing you to aviod othwise impassable obsticles that only exist in one reality.

Main Content

Executable file.


GameMaker gmz file.
